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With their present condition as an earnest of what was yet to come, what hope had any that even one of them would live to behold the sparkle of the distant Red Sea? Even though unmolested by pursuit from Jannati Shahr or by attack from any wandering tribes of the Black Tent People, what hope could there be? Gradually some coherence of thought returned to the Master.

Furious as an army of jinnee with wild cries, screams, howls, as they stood in their stirrups and discharged their weapons toward the sky, the horsemen of Jannati Shahr drove down upon the little group of Legionaries. The major loosened his revolver in its holster. Others did the same.

Not even leather sacks. Just bins, like so much wheat." "The shining wheat of Araby!" "Of the whole Orient!" They fell silent, peering with fixed attention. And gradually some calm returned to the others. At the door, too, the turmoil had ceased. No doubt the Jannati Shahr men, baffled, had sent for much gunpowder to blow in the massive planking. That silence became ominous.

Old Bara Miyan bent shaggy white brows at the Master, and peered out intently from under the hood of his burnous. The Master queried: "What covenants, great Olema?" Then, that no blood of our people shall be shed in El Barr, either the city of Jannati Shahr or the plain. These things thou must understand, O Frank.

The rest will get us, all right enough, but Jannati Shahr will remember the coming of the white men!" The survivors the Master, Bohannan, "Captain Alden," and Leclair and nine others were in evil case, as they trailed down the low-roofed chamber lighted with copper lamps. More than half bore wounds.

Into a broad, paved way they thundered, and so up, on, toward the great gate of virgin gold now waiting to receive them. Well might those Legionaries who had been left behind to protect Nissr and the sacred gifts have envied the more fortunate ones now sweeping into Jannati Shahr. The rear guard, however, formed no less essential a part of the undertaking than the main body of the Legion.

Here was rich color; here arose a softly perfumed air, balmy, incensed as with strange aromatics. Here was peace eternal kayf blessed rest here indeed lay a scene that gave full explanation of the ancient name "Arabia Felix." And at the left, dominating all this beauty, shone and glimmered in the ardent sun the wondrous Golden City of Jannati Shahr.

To the cabin wall the Master turned. There hung a large-scale map of the Arabian Peninsula. He laid a hand on the vast, blank interior, and nodded for Rrisa to approach. "Listen, thou," said he. "Thy knowledge is sufficient. Thou dost understand the interpretation of maps, and canst read latitude and longitude. Mark here the place of the Hidden City!" "Of the Bara Jannati Shahr, Master?

The man blinked into the glare, across which sand-devils of whirlwinds were once more gyrating over a whiteness ending in dunes that seemed to be peppered with camel-grass. Another mirage! Grass could grow only near the coast. And now that they had both been tortured to death by Jannati Shahr men and been flung into Jehannum, how could there be any coast? It seemed so preposterous.

Here was a woman, not only exposed to risks of death, but also of capture by Orientals and what it might mean to a white woman to be seized for some hidden harem in Jannati Shahr the Master knew only too well. He found a moment's pause to speak in a low tone to the "captain," unheard by any of the others. "Remember the mercy-bullet!" said he.