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King made a little effort to clean the cave, but the task was hopeless. For one thing he was so weary that his very bones were water; for another, Ismail pretended to be equally tired, and when the suggestion that they should help was put to the others they claimed their izzat indignantly. Nerve King had, but his resolution was asleep. He was too tired to care.

He pointed toward the ample room remaining between Monty and me. "Will the sahib permit? "Izzat be damned!" Monty answered. Rustum Khan colored darkly. "I shared a tent with you once on campaign, sahib, in the days before the good days before those old days when " "When you and I served one Raj, eh? I remember," Monty answered. "I remember it was your tent, Rustum Khan.

'But I am no goatherd, said Faiz Ullah. 'When we cross the Bias River again we will talk of izzat, Scott replied. 'Till that day thou and the policemen shall be sweepers to the camp, if I give the order. 'Thus, then, it is done, grunted Faiz Ullah, 'if the Sahib will have it so'; and he showed how a goat should be milked, while Scott stood over him.

She managed her household on broad lines, ignoring minor details, and Zyarulla, to his secret relief, found himself still the lynx-eyed custodian of the Sahib's Izzat in houses and compound, still the controller of his petty cash. Quita received his monthly account plus a minute percentage on each item in perfect good faith. His visions of possible dismissal evaporated.

After a stay of about one year in the house of Riḍá Big Bahá’u’lláh returned to the house He had occupied before His withdrawal from His companions, and thence, after three months, He transferred His residence to the house of Izzat Áqá, in which He continued to live until His departure from Adrianople.

He looked round for Charteris, intending to present him, but he had slipped away a moment before. "At Ranjitgarh the Resident will charge himself with your safety." "What Jirad Sahib suggests is impossible," said Sher Singh with determination. "My izzat" a convenient term, covering most things from self-esteem to family honour "would be destroyed if my father's wife wandered away from my house."

"But I am no goatherd," said Faiz Ullah. "When we cross the Bias River again we will talk of izzat," Scott replied. "Till that day thou and the policemen shall be sweepers to the camp, if I give the order." "Thus, then, it is done," grunted Faiz Ullah, "if the Sahib will have it so"; and he showed how a goat should be milked, while Scott stood over him.

To this intensely outward religion people of these castes are passionately attached from custom, from superstition, and still more, I think, from the consideration among themselves and others which caste purity secures. Their honour, izzat, as they call it, is their most valuable possession. An attack on it is bitterly resented.

Strickland left the room, but Juma, the foster-mother, stayed to see. "Am I to be whipped here?" he gasped. "Of course." "Before that woman? Father, I am a man -I am not afraid. It is my izzat my honour." When it was all over, Adam said quietly: "I am little, and you are big. If I stayed among my horse folk I should not have been whipped. You are afraid to go there."

Here, in the warm sun; pitted against the hereditary dushman who comes on shouting 'Allah! they would gain much izzat. Now mind, if you see any chance of an Indian contingent for Constantinople, do everyone a good turn by rubbing these ideas into K." Braithwaite has already picked up a number of useful hints from Roger Keyes. His old friendship with the Commodore should be a help.