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The youngest child can read it without asking a single embarrassing question of its elder, and the oldest sinner can read it without having any fleshly meditations intrudin’ on his piety." The Yellett family had by this time dispersed itself for the afternoon, and the matriarch and the two girls started in to clear away the meal and wash the dishes.

A-keepin' right on in their own spear, jest as usial, not intrudin' themselves and a-pushin', but ready to greet 'em and give 'em the best there wuz in 'em, if occasion called for it, and then ready to bid 'em a calm, well-meanin' farewell when the time come to part. It wuz a great surprise to me, and how they got there wuz a mystery.

Corliss agreed with a nod of the head. "Spotted your light, and hem and so we come. Don't mind, do you?" "Why, certainly not " "No intrudin'?" Corliss reassured him by laying hand on his shoulder and cordially pressing him to a seat. Blanche sighed luxuriously. Her wet stockings were stretched up and already steaming, and her feet basking in the capacious warmth of Bishop's Siwash socks.

Who's that intrudin' herself in here?" she added fiercely, as she saw Pinky, making at the same time a movement toward the girl. "Get out o' here, or I'll spile y'r pictur'!" "Keep quiet, will you?" said Norah, putting her hand on the woman and pushing her back as easily as if she had been a child. "Now come here, Nell, and let me look at you."

Frock coat, silk hat, patent leathers, striped trousers, and pearl gaiters, a white vest, and a noticeable watch-chain adorned the driver of the automobile. He stood for a minute, blinking in the light. Then he swept his hat from his head with muscular grace. "Excuse me for intrudin'," he said. "I seen this glim and headed for it. Is Mr. Walter Stone at lee-sure?"

They are not natural or strong; nor can they mother the natural and strong." She stopped abruptly. They heard somebody enter the hall, and a heavy, soft-moccasined tread approaching. "We are friends," she added hurriedly, and Corliss answered with his eyes. "Ain't intrudin', am I?" Dave Harney grinned broad insinuation and looked about ponderously before coming up to shake hands.

So they dispatches the homicide, neat an' pretty, with the aid of a rope, an' remarks after the doin's is over that Burns is probably a heap less lonesome." "Well, I should think that would have stopped all chance of further search," said Wilbur. "It did. But a year or two after that, Burns acquires the habit of intrudin' his memory on the minds of some of these here friends.

He glared at Morrow, and his lips foamed like a crab out of water. "'I hope I'm not intrudin', I ventures. "When the kid seen me, he says, soft and weak, like something ailed his palate: "'Don't let me kill him, Billy." "Struthers spit, and picked splinters forth from his complexion. "'I told you for your own good. It's common gossip, says he. 'Everybody is laughing at you, an

Overland understood instantly that the lad was but following general instructions. He loved the boy, and so, perversely, worked upon his feelings. "Oh, the other side? Ex-cuse me, chief, for intrudin' on this here resavation. Sorry I'm crowdin' you so." "Now, Red, wait " "Wait?

"I had no notion, Miss Arundel, that that of this," Hudson began in a dry, jerky whisper. "Believe me, I wouldn't 'a' thought of intrudin'. I ordered the picture there from your father a fortnight ago, and this was the day I was to come and give it a last looking-over before I came through with the cash, see?