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"How now, my friends, do you wait for the key? if anything ails the lock, trust to the strength of Yussuf." "Have you not heard that the caliph has ordered the baths to be shut for three days, on pain of impalement?" Yussuf started back with astonishment. "Now, may the graves of their fathers be eternally defiled those confounded Moussul Merchants! Their supposes always come to pass.

Howe reports a case of impalement with recovery in a girl of fifteen who slid down a hay-stack, striking a hay-hook which penetrated her perineum and passed into her body, emerging two inches below the umbilicus and one inch to the right of the median line. Injuries of the vagina may be so extensive as to allow protrusion of the intestines, and some horrible cases of this nature are recorded.

He was within an ace of execution, thanks to his own chivalry, and was kept for five months in the Moor's bagnio, under strict watch, though without blows no one ever struck him during the whole of his captivity, though he often stood in expectation of impalement or some such horrible death.

A piece of meat hung on a tree, high enough to make him jump to reach it, and a short spear, with its handle firmly planted in the ground beneath, are used as a device to induce the hyena to commit suicide by impalement. The honey-guide is an extraordinary bird; how is it that every member of its family has learned that all men, white or black, are fond of honey?

As the morning advanced, the terraces of the surrounding houses, covered with awnings, were crowded with spectators. All Bagdad was astir. Since the marriage of Alroy, there had never been such a merry morn as the day of his impalement. At one end of the circle was erected a magnificent throne.

He was threatened with impalement and with torture; and as cutting off ears and noses were playful freaks with the Algerines, it may be conceived what their tortures were like; but nothing could make him swerve from his original statement that he and he alone was responsible.

Ours seemed far from gentle, and besides, we could not possibly stop in time to avoid impalement on the iron spikes. Molly and I, if not Jack and the chauffeur, must surely die a peculiarly unpleasant and unnecessary death, in the morning of our lives, just as other more fortunate people were starting out, safe and happy in exquisitely beautiful omnibuses, to begin their day's pleasure.

The question was then taken up by the dervishes and fakirs of the country in a religious point of view; they split into two parties, tried the question by a dispute under a banyan tree, which lasted eighteen months, and still not half of the holy men had given their sentiments upon the question; tired of talking, they proceeded to blows, and then to anathematisation and excommunication of each other; lastly, they had recourse to impalement to convince each other; more than a thousand perished on each side; and still the beautiful Princess Babe-bi-bobu remained unmarried.

Populations that have lived for centuries in fear of impalement or crucifixion, and have known no other destination for the products of their labour than the clutches of the omnipresent tax-gatherer, are not likely to furnish good soldiers. A handful of freemen will scatter them like sheep, as the Greeks did twenty-three centuries ago at Kynaxa, as the English did the other day at Tel el-Kebir.

Impalement on charred stakes, finger-nails split off backwards, finger-joints chewed off, eyes burned out these tortures can be mentioned, but there are others equally normal and customary which cannot even be hinted at, especially when women are the victims. For the particular incident see M'Ferrin's "History of Methodism in Tennessee," p. 145. As was done to the father of Simon Girty.