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More than this, a small portion of the composition of which the imitation had been hastily concocted, broke off in his fingers. "You see," he laughed. "Do you require further proof?" Even while he spoke the diminutive little Frenchman turned and bolted. One of the Turks drew a revolver and rushed after him, but Hussein-ul-Mulk uttered some authoritative words which prevented the man from firing.

Talbot in the eyes of his superiors of all personal complicity in the Albert Gate incident." Again there was a breathless silence. Hussein-ul-Mulk had regained his nerve. He was now considering how best he could dispose of this Englishman who knew so much. To purchase his silence was too hopeless. He must die as speedily and unostentatiously as possible.

Once comfortably seated, Brett resumed the conversation where he had broken it off in the train overnight. "You say you know Hussein-ul-Mulk," he commenced. "Yes," replied the King's messenger, "and what is more, I have discovered his residence since we parted.

"Will you object," he said, "if I leave you alone a few minutes? I wish to consult with a friend of mine who happens to be staying here." "Assuredly," said Brett; "but let me beg you to leave your cigarettes behind. They are exquisite." Hussein-ul-Mulk had never before encountered such a personality as Reginald Brett.

Hussein-ul-Mulk and the two other Turks, unable to restrain their excitement, crowded round the pink-and-white Frenchman, jabbering volubly, but Mademoiselle and her father moved some slight distance away. At this juncture Mr. Winter strode resolutely forward, seized Dubois firmly by the shoulder, and said "Henri Dubois! In the name of the King of England I arrest you for the murder of "

Brett wanted to punch the diminutive scoundrel heavily in the face, but he restrained himself. Turning with a magnificent assumption of courteousness to Hussein-ul-Mulk, he said "Come, I told you you were acting childishly; this proves it. A most outrageous attempt has been made to swindle you, if I may use such a term to persons who confessedly are plotting to rob another.

At Brett's request, detectives were hunting through Paris all that night and the next day for a sign of Hussein-ul-Mulk and his Turkish friends. But these gentlemen had vanished as completely as if the earth had swallowed them up. This was a strange thing.

Under some circumstances he knew that to throw away the scabbard and dash with naked sword into the fray was the right policy. "I came to see you, Hussein-ul-Mulk," he said, speaking deliberately, "not only because I have an interest in the progressive policy voiced by the young Turkish party, but on account of matters of personal interest to you, and to friends of mine in England."

I imagine that our fellow-passenger in the train caught the name of Hussein-ul-Mulk in our conversation, and this decided him to shadow your movements, by means of the confederate who awaited his arrival at the station. As it happened, they simply hit upon the wrong person. It might have paid them much better to follow me.

Quite in keeping with the rest of the details of an uncommon crime." At last the fiacre stopped in front of the house in the Rue Barbette which Brett had already scrutinized during the early hours of the morning. "Here we are," said Gaultier with a laugh. "If we find Hussein-ul-Mulk at home I don't know what the deuce we are going to say to him.