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The last week of our stay in St. Louis Aunt Trypheny on leavin' the Fair ground one day wuz struck by the twenty-mule team that perambulates the ground, was knocked down and carried to an emergency hospital on the Fair ground. The head doctor there wuz Miss Huff's nephew, and she got a little room for her till she could be moved with safety. Sweet creeter, I hadn't thought on't.

"Sure!" replied Wiley, rising up from where he was seated, "I'll wait for anything, except my supper. Where's the best place to eat in town, now?" "Why, at Mrs. Huff's," returned Blount in surprise. "But about this quit-claim, perhaps a check would do as well?" "What, are the Huffs still here?" exclaimed Wiley, starting off. "Why, I thought "

She wuz stayin' at a big tarven not so very fur from Miss Huff's, and said she'd brought her orto and shuffler with her from Chicago. Well, she bid us a tender adoo, sayin' the last thing "owe Revwah," or sunthin' like that and Josiah sez to me: "Who's she twittin' us on? I don't owe nobody by that name, nor never did, not a cent, I'm a man that pays my debts."

We got to Miss Huff's in the afternoon and rested the rest of that day and had a good night's sleep. He said a man had been advisin' him to take the Immoral Railway as the best way of seein' the Fair grounds as a hull before we branched out to see things more minutely one by one. "Immoral Railway!" he snorted out agin. "I hope you didn't fall in with any such idee, Josiah Allen."

One of "Tinker" Beaty's men was Pres Huff, who lived in the "Valley of the Three Forks o' the Wolf." It was generally believed that he was the leader of the band who had ridden out of the woods and killed Jeff Pile, as he traveled unarmed along the Byrdstown road. Huff's father had been shot. The scene of his death was where the branch from the York Spring crosses the public road at the Pile home.

But Dotie wuz evidently thinkin' about the sermon she had hearn so lately, and she went on to ask, "Was Jesus a Jew?" And I sez, "Yes, dear." "Why," sez she, "I always thought Dod wuz a Presbyterium." That wuz her Aunty Huff's persuasion, which she nachully thought couldn't be improved on.

As I told Josiah one night to Miss Huff's, as I laid down a paper givin' the details of a bloody battle which wuz headed "A Great Victory."

Blandina and I wanted to go to once to Miss Huff's, a woman we used to know in Jonesville who keeps a small boardin' house. But Josiah, who had seen pictures on't, wanted to go to the Inside Inn. He said they'd advertised cheap rooms, it would have a stylish sound to tell on't in Jonesville and it would be so handy and equinomical for we wouldn't have to pay entrance fees.

"Well, Marse Kenneth, ef hit ain' de Sherry place hit shorely am de Sheridan place, an' ef hit ain't nuther one o' dem hit mus' belong to Marse Dimmit er " "It is neither of these, you rascal. We are to the north of them, if I remember our directions rightly. Mr. Hollingsworth and the Kisers live hereabouts, according to Phineas Striker. A house with a clump of trees, it is Mr. Huff's farm.

But I have been informed, Wiley, that since Colonel Huff's death, your father has been bidding for his stock. In fact, I have seen a letter written to Mrs. Huff in which he offers her ten cents a share. Now, of course, if you want to gain control of the company, I'm willing to do what's right; and so, after thinking it over, I have come to the conclusion that I will accept that offer now."