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We managed such wild young colts better, we Vikings who conquered the Danelagh. "'What does the man say? asked the King, for old Surturbrand was talking broad Danish. "'He is a housecarle of mine, Lord King, a good man and true; but old age and rough Danish blood has made him forget that he stands before kings and earls.

With a bitter growl he rode on, trying to recollect a house where he could safely lodge. Martin pointed one out. "Old Viking Surturbrand, the housecarle, did live there, and maybe lives there still." "We will try." And Martin knocked at the door. The wicket was opened, but not the door; and through the wicket window a surly voice asked who was there. "Who lives here?" "Perry, son of Surturbrand.

Osric again sat in the great chair in the hall, as I could see through the open door, and round him were the thanes; but far fewer than last night. And presently a housecarle spoke to him, and he rose up and left the hall. Then they led me to a smaller chamber, and there he was alone, and waiting for me.

Three grooms, whom I knew, stood with an unbridled horse on one side, but they were busy and minded me not till I was just at the gate. Then one said to the other, "Yonder goes Heregar, as I live!" Then there came a cry like a howl of rage from the hall, but no word of command as yet, nor did either housecarle come out that I could hear.

Then up the road from eastward rode two men at an easy gallop, and my horse's manner told me that a stable mate of his was coming, so I feared no longer but went into the main road to meet them. "What news?" I cried, and they halted. "It is the young master," said one, and I knew the voice of Edred, our housecarle.

So I left my sword in the hollow, lest it should hamper me, and went up a big branch until I could see over just enough to look across to the great gate, which still stood open. Then I forgot all about that which had made me curious, for I saw two figures in the gateway. Alswythe stood there, talking with my friend, as I will call him ever, the old housecarle, and no one else was near them.

"Then all our men murmured, and I as loud as any. But old Surturbrand the housecarle did more; for out he stepped to your father's side, and spoke right up before the King. "'Bonny times, he said, 'I have lived to see, when a lad of Earl Oslac's blood is sent out of the land, a beggar and a wolf's head, for playing a boy's trick or two, and upsetting a shaveling priest!

And neither I nor she thought shame that I should lay my arm round her, and kiss her there, with the grim old housecarle standing by and pretending to look out over Stert, where the light of my fires shone above the trees. "Heregar, my loved one, what does it all mean?" she said, trembling a little. "Have they come?"

Now there came to us as we stood and talked, a housecarle in a green cloak, and asked us if we had seen a warrior, wounded maybe, riding a great white horse, which, he added, had been Edred the Thane's, who was killed. "Aye, that have I," said Wulfhere, "what of him?" "Osric the Sheriff seeks him. Tell me quickly where I may find him." "Is Osric back in the town?" asked Wulfhere in surprise.

"Aye, man, and half the levy with him. The Danes will go away now. Enough are left to mind them." Then Wulfhere stamped on the ground in rage, cursing the folly of every man of the levy. And the housecarle stared at him as at one gone suddenly mad; but I knew only too well that his worst fears were on the way to be realized, and that soon there would be no force left on Cannington Hill.