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Updated: August 5, 2024

"I'm here with both feet, and I want a job P-D-Q. First, though, I want you to shake hands with my friend, Jimmy Scarbridge Hold on! Wait a second." He drew himself up pompously, and bowed to Lord James in burlesque mimicry of Mrs. Gantry. "Aw, beg pawdon, m'lud. Er the aw Right Hon'able the aw Earl of Avondale: I present aw Mistah Griffith." "Chuck it!

O I say I'll neveh whisp' it so long as yo' gratichude continue to evince itseff fresh an' lively at the rate of evm on'y a few dollahs per month as a sawt o' friendship's offerin'. "Seh? I cayn't he'p it, seh; thass the ve'y bes' I can do; no otheh co'se would be hon'able." The listening maid heard the door unlock and open and beheld liberty bartered for captivity with love for boot, and Mr.

Me an' my frien's 'll be along in about ten minutes, an' dey'll be enough of us ter fill de hall, an' dere's one t'ing yer wants ter keep in yer head, and dat's dis ef me an' my frien's don't get a chance ter jam dis house before anybody else is 'lowed inside de door, de Hon'able Doyle O'Meagher 'll be wantin' ter know de reason why!"

If it's a pint of vhisky, vhy, all right; but if it's honly a pint of beer vhen there's seven hon'able ladies an' gents " "I bigs the Chair's pardon," interrupted Mr. O'Fake, "but the Chair labors under a slight misaper ahem!" Mr. O'Fake finished the word with a cough. It was a cough which he always kept ready for use in that way whenever needed. "The gintleman manes he objects to the persadin's."

The challenged puncher stretched out a limb and showed his muscles with young pride. "And yu' cert'nly take no comfort in your food," his ingenious friend continued, slowly and gently. "I'll eat you a match any day and place yu' name," said Lin. "It ain't sca'cely hon'able," went on the Virginian, "to waste away durin' the round-up. A man owes his strength to them that hires it.

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