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I heard he was leaving on the Sydney packet next week." "So you're only up against Follet?" I pressed him. "I ain't up against anybody. Miss Eva'll settle her own affairs." "Excuse me." And I made the gesture of withdrawing. "Don't get het up under the collar," he protested. "Only I never did like this discussing ladies. She don't cotton to me for some reason.

It seemed to happen very unfortunately, that in every topic of discourse which these warlike gentlemen introduced, my friend the Bailie found some matter of offence. "Ye'll forgie me speaking my mind, sir; but ye wad maybe hae gien the best bowl in your bonnet to hae been as far awae frae Rob as ye are e'en now Od! my het pleugh-culter wad hae been naething to his claymore."

Here I stand, have been in twenty frays, and never hurt man but when I was in het bluid; and yet they wad betray me and hang me like a masterless dog, at the gate of ony great man that has an ill will at me."

I know well enough 'at the' 'll never be nothin' between you an' her the old man knows it too, an' you ain't kept here for nothin' except to be her play-mate." I was so blame mad I couldn't see. I couldn't speak. I was so infernal het up that I choked an' spluttered; but when I got my hands on his throat I put my finger-prints on his neck-bone.

"Is the hare ready?" asked the Baron suspiciously. "It's no jist a'thegether what ye micht ca' ready," answered Mungo without hesitation; "but it can be here het in nae time, and micht agree wi' the Count better nor the cauld fowl." "Tell Annapla to do the best she can," broke in the Baron on his servant's cheerful garrulity; and Mungo with another salute disappeared.

'Mark, you old rascal, he says, 'don't you remember me don't you remember little Sam Burns that used to play andy-over with you, and that stole your girl in 1892? Don't you remember the old days in Readsboro? He was all het up by this time, Sam tells me, and all the old memories came creeping back, and he kept thinking he never was so glad to run across anybody in his life.

He knows what a temper you got, an' I reckon he don't like the idea o' that big tombstone already marked in Welborne's new graveyard. No, I can't put up with you to-night. Het give me a five-dollar William to defray expenses at the hotel, an' I sorter like the idea o' makin' a splurge for a change. I'll make 'em give me the best drummer's quarters, an' I'll order just what I want to eat."

"Jean, put it away it fears me, Jean!" "Het," said Jean, uneasily, "hae ye coowed you savage, to be scared at the wee beastie?" Christie, looking askant at the animal, explained: "A moose is an awesome beast it's no like a mon!" and still her eye was fixed by fascination upon the four-footed danger.

His daughter's recollections, therefore, were of blood and horror as she pursued the small scarce-tracked solitary path, every step of which conveyed het to a greater distance from help, and deeper into the ominous seclusion of these unhallowed precincts.

Everybody's heart was very soft with old recollections, and Harry never tired of pouring out his griefs and his recitals of his wife's virtues to Het, and anon of talking fondly about his dear Aunt Lambert, whom he loved with all his heart, and whose praises, you may be sure, were welcome to the faithful old husband, out of whose thoughts his wife's memory was never, I believe, absent for any three waking minutes of the day.