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Updated: August 1, 2024

Helm's Travels from Buenos Ayres by Potosi to Lima, 1806. 12mo. Natural history, and chiefly geology and mineralogy, with a very particular account of the mines of Potosi. Compendio della Istoria Geografica, Naturale e Civile de Chili. Bologna, 1776. 8vo. Chiliduga sive res Chilenses. Opera Bern. Havestad. Munster, 1777-79. 8vo.

"The wind is heading us," muttered the man at the wheel; "she's fallen off two points." "Hands about ship," cried Captain Fleetwood. "We'll show the poor fellows we do not intend to give them the go-by. Helm's a-lee! Tacks and sheets! Main-topsail haul. Of all, haul." And round came the brig, with her head to the eastward, or towards the island of Milo.

Clark now gave orders that preparations be made for hauling down the British flag and hoisting the young banner of liberty in its place, when everything should be ready for a salute of thirteen guns from the captured battery. Helm's round face was beaming. Plainly it showed that his happiness was supreme.

Helm's alee! Steady so. Let draw! Easy! easy! There she fills!" And after a few more rapid orders the handy little craft was dashing away, with the wind abaft the beam, and her head about two points north of east. "Uncommon quick in stays!" cried Polwhele, who had taken to the helm, and now stood there. "Wonder what Britishers will think of that?"

He had no love for Englishmen and he did like Americans, but he naturally thought that Helm's talk of fighting Hamilton was, as his own would have been in a like case, talk and nothing more. The fort could not hold out an hour, he well knew. Then what? Ah, he but too well realized the result. Resistance would inflame the English soldiers and madden the Indians.

Helm's a-lee!" Round swept the Dolphin again, and presently we were once more crossing the stern of the lugger, the confusion on board being, as it seemed, greater than ever.

The story of Helm's marching out with the honors of war is apparently a mere invention. Even Mann Butler, usually so careful, permits himself to be led off into all sorts of errors when describing the incidents of the Illinois and Vincennes expeditions, and the writers who have followed him have generally been less accurate.

The usual formula, 'What have you got now? checked my reverie, and 'Helm's a-lee, ended it for the time. Suddenly Davies said: 'Is that a boat ahead? 'Do you mean that galliot? I asked. I could plainly distinguish one of those familiar craft about half a mile away, just within the limit of vision. 'The Kormoran, do you think? I added. Davies said nothing, but grew inattentive to his work.

Nor was it long before Helm's genial and sociable disposition won the Englishman's respect and confidence to such an extent that the two became almost inseparable companions, playing cards, brewing toddies, telling stories, and even shooting deer in the woods together, as if they had always been the best of friends.

Helm listened attentively to Dutremble's lively sketch, then cross-questioned him with laconic directness. "Send Mr. Jazon to me," he said to M. Roussillon, as if speaking to a servant. The master Frenchman went promptly, recognizing Captain Helm's right to command, and sympathizing With his unpleasant military predicament if the news should prove true.

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