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'And his daughter, said Brown, with a throbbing heart, 'is going to be married into a great family too, as I have heard? 'What, into the Hazlewoods'? said the pilot.

'And his daughter, said Brown, with a throbbing heart, 'is going to be married into a great family too, as I have heard? 'What, into the Hazlewoods'? said the pilot.

'And his daughter, said Brown, with a throbbing heart, 'is going to be married into a great family too, as I have heard? 'What, into the Hazlewoods'? said the pilot.

'Ay, has been, answered the first, with somewhat of emphasis. 'I am sure, neighbour Ovens, said the hostess,'the Hazlewoods of Hazlewood, though they are a very gude auld family in the county, never thought, till within these twa score o' years, of evening themselves till the Ellangowans. Wow, woman, the Bertrams of Ellangowan are the auld Dingawaies lang syne.

"I am sure, neighbour Ovens," said the hostess, "the Hazlewoods of Hazlewood, though they are a very gude auld family in the county, never thought, till within these twa score o' years, of evening themselves till the Ellangowans Wow, woman, the Bertrams of Ellangowan are the auld Dingawaies lang syne there is a sang about ane o' them marrying a daughter of the King of Man; it begins

'Ay, has been, answered the first, with somewhat of emphasis. 'I am sure, neighbour Ovens, said the hostess, 'the Hazlewoods of Hazlewood, though they are a very gude auld family in the county, never thought, till within these twa score o' years, of evening themselves till the Ellangowans. Wow, woman, the Bertrams of Ellangowan are the auld Dingawaies lang syne.

"And his daughter," said Brown, with a throbbing heart, "is going to be married into a great family too, as I have heard?" "What, into the Hazlewoods'?" said the pilot.

'Ay, has been, answered the first, with somewhat of emphasis. 'I am sure, neighbour Ovens, said the hostess,'the Hazlewoods of Hazlewood, though they are a very gude auld family in the county, never thought, till within these twa score o' years, of evening themselves till the Ellangowans. Wow, woman, the Bertrams of Ellangowan are the auld Dingawaies lang syne.