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"But " she began vehemently, then clenched her hands and stopped. "I hope you don't want me to kill Mr. er Haythorne," he said gently, almost pleadingly. "It would be most distressing, and, I assure you, really it is unnecessary." "But you must do something," she cried. "On the contrary, it is quite conceivable that I do not have to do anything." "You would stay here?" He nodded.

Indeed, they were a most cordial pair. But for all that, their acquaintance had not ripened into friendship. Evidently Christine was not a kindred spirit. "Are you going to be in Avonlea all summer?" asked Gilbert. "No. I'm going down east to Valley Road next week. Esther Haythorne wants me to teach for her through July and August.

"Well, if he was, he finished himself off by that affair," Haythorne grumbled. "And the woman was a termagant at least so I've been told. It was generally accepted in Berkeley that she made life er not exactly paradise for her husband." "I never heard that," Haythorne rejoined. "In San Francisco the talk was all the other way." "Woman sort of a martyr, eh? crucified on the cross of matrimony?"

I have discovered only two instances in which the first William Hathorne wrote his own name, and in the various documents at the State House in which it appears written by others, it is variously spelled Hathorn, Hathorne, Hawthorn, Haythorne, and Harthorne, from which we can only conclude that the a was pronounced broadly.

He smiled acknowledgment. "While I am thinking about what I shall do, I'll tell you what you will have to do tell Mr. er Haythorne who I am. It may make our stay in this cabin more may I say, sociable?" "Why have you followed me into this frightful country?" she asked irrelevantly. "Don't think I came here looking for you, Theresa. Your vanity shall not be tickled by any such misapprehension.

"I saw his alarm clock was set at five. That'd given 'm plenty of time ... only I come along an' put the kibosh on his time. Go on." "Adolph Metzner in despair the famous Haythorne pearl necklace magnificently assorted pearls valued by experts at from fifty to seventy thousan' dollars." Jim broke off to say solemnly, "Those oyster-eggs worth all that money!"

Our meeting is wholly fortuitous. I broke with the life academic and I had to go somewhere. To be honest, I came into the Klondike because I thought it the place you were least liable to be in." There was a fumbling at the latch, then the door swung in and Haythorne entered with an armful of firewood. At the first warning, Theresa began casually to clear away the dishes.

"I saw his alarm-clock was set at five. That'd given 'm plenty of time... only I come along an' put the kibosh on his time. Go on." "Adolph Metzner in despair the famous Haythorne pearl necklace magnificently assorted pearls valued by experts at from fifty to seventy thousan' dollars." Jim broke off to swear vilely and solemnly, concluding with, "Those damn oyster-eggs worth all that money!"

The wife of one of the English professors er, if you will pardon me, Mrs. Haythorne disappeared with some San Francisco doctor, I understood, though his name does not just now come to my lips. Do you remember the incident?" Haythorne nodded his head. "Made quite a stir at the time. His name was Womble Graham Womble. He had a magnificent practice. I knew him somewhat."

"It's so interesting," Messner smiled at her, then returned to the doctor. "The husband seems then to have had a not very savory reputation in San Francisco?" "On the contrary, he was a moral prig," Haythorne blurted out, with apparently undue warmth. "He was a little scholastic shrimp without a drop of red blood in his body." "Did you know him?" "Never laid eyes on him.