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Toddles, over his rage, experienced a sickening sense of disaster, but still he clung; he didn't dare let go. Hawkeye's fists, both in an effort to recover himself and in an endeavor to reach Toddles, were going like a windmill; and Hawkeye's threats were something terrifying to listen to.

He couldn't reach the conductor's face so he went for Hawkeye's legs. And the screams of rage from his high-pitched voice, as he shot himself forward, sounded like a cageful of Australian cockatoos on the rampage. Toddles was small, pitifully small for his age; but he wasn't an infant in arms not for a minute.

No. 83, Hawkeye's train and Toddles' scheduled Big Cloud on the eastbound run at 9.05; and, on the night the story opens, they were about an hour away from the little mountain town that was the divisional point, as Toddles, his basket of edibles in the crook of his arm, halted in the forward end of the second-class smoker to examine again the fistful of change that he dug out of his pants pocket with his free hand.

He dug into his pocket for the ubiquitous lead piece. "Not hic! on your life!" said the man earnestly. "You hang on to it, old top. I didn't pass it off on you." "Haw!" exploded the drummer suddenly. "Haw haw, haw!" And the elderly gentleman smiled. Hawkeye's face went red, and then purple. "Go 'way!" said the man petulantly. "I don't like you. Go 'way!

The Hurons soon fired again, and a bullet struck the blade of Hawkeye's paddle without injury. "That will do," said the scout, examining the slight indentation with a curious eye; "it would not have cut the skin of an infant, much less of men, who, like us, have been blown upon by the heavens in their anger.

By the frequency with which the Indians described the marks of a forest trail, it was evident they urged a pursuit by land, while the repeated sweep of Hawkeye's arm towards the Horican denoted that he was for a passage across its waters.

The lead quarter wouldn't go very far toward liquidating Hawkeye's long-standing indebtedness but it would help some. Queer, isn't it the way things happen? Think of a man's whole life, aspirations, hopes, ambitions, everything, pivoting on a lead quarter!

Conviction gradually wrought its influence, and toward the close of Hawkeye's speech, his sentences were accompanied by the customary exclamation of commendation.

It wasn't the first time the big, hulking, six-foot conductor had pilfered the boy's chest, not by many and never paid for the pilfering. That was Hawkeye's idea of a joke. Hawkeye was talking to Nulty, elaborately simulating ignorance of Toddles' presence and he was talking about Toddles. "Sure," said Hawkeye, his mouth full of banana, "he'll be a great railroad man some day!

At the next moment, the breech of Hawkeye's rifle fell on the naked head of his adversary, whose muscles appeared to wither under the shock, as he sank from the arms of Duncan, flexible and motionless. When Uncas had brained his first antagonist, he turned, like a hungry lion, to seek another.