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"They are fairly well-to-do, and they have close personal friends who, I feel sure, would pay a good price to see the girls get home again unharmed." "You're putty young to be runnin' a game like this," came from Hamp Gouch. "Maybe, but I know just what I am doing." They walked into the living room, and Lew Flapp made an inspection of the pantry and then of Captain Starr's private apartment.

All they knew was the unending monotony which dragged upon a man until he either lapsed into a dreamy rejection of his surroundings, as had Hamp and Floy, or flew into murderous rages, such as kept Morris in solitary confinement at present. And no foreseeable end to the flight Raf breathed shallowly. The air was stale, he could almost taste it.

Me an' brudder Hamp b'longed to Marse George Newsome. Marse George was named afte' George Washington up in Virginny whar he come frum. Miss Margurite was our mistiss. My mammy? Well, I'll have to tell you now 'bout her.

At the place of execution, he looked less astonished though he spoke much less to the people than the rest, and died seemingly composed, at the same time with the other malefactors Snow, and Whalebone, being at the time of his execution in his seventeenth year. The Life of JOHN HAMP, Footpad and Highwayman

Then the rope was untied, and the rowboat was allowed to drift astern of the larger craft. "Hullo, there!" came suddenly out of the darkness. "What's up back there?" "Who are you calling to, Hamp?" came from the galley. "Something doing back here," answered Hamp Gouch. "Somebody just cut loose from our stern." "What's that?" burst out Dan Baxter, and tumbled out on deck, followed by the others.

We can write to 'em and say we'll starve the girls to death if the money don't come our way." "Exactly. But we've got to find some place to hide first. We can't stay on the river any great length of time. They'll send word about the houseboat from one town to another and the authorities will be on the lookout for us." "I know where you can take this houseboat," put in Hamp Gouch.

I hed to laugh at my Hamp once; Hamp he aint no fool, an' he'd been tuk with her a spell like the rest o' the boys, but he got chock full of her, 'n' one day we was a-talkin, 'n' the old man he says, 'Waal now, that gal's a hard wad.

Maybe you did but it's the bank-roll that catches 'em, my boy your caves and whiskers won't do it. Honestly, Hamp, don't you think you've been a darned fool?" The hermit smiled behind his tangled beard. He was and always had been so superior to the crude and mercenary Binkley that even his vulgarities could not anger him.

As it happened, the captain used liquor, and several bottles were brought out, much to the satisfaction of the horse thieves. "This makes me feel more like talking," said Hamp Gouch, after swallowing a goodly portion of the stuff. "Perhaps you had better give us the whole game straight from start to now," said Pick Loring. "Then we can make up our minds just what we can do."

Hamp, passing one night very drunk through the street, a woman, as is usual enough for common street-walkers to do, took him by the sleeve, and after some immodest discourse, asked him if he would not go into her mother's and take a pot with her.