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Miranda Sawyer, who had been patiently waiting for the end of this speech, laid down her knitting and raised her eyes with a half-resigned expression that meant: Is there anything unusual in heaven or earth or the waters under the earth that this child does not want to do?

"I don't think your postmaster here would be preoccupied with letters for John Baxter, if I did," he said, quietly. "But here is the doctor waiting. Good-by." He stood looking at her in a peculiar, yet half-resigned way, and held out his hand. For a moment she hesitated.

The breadth and vastness of light and shade upon those manly limbs, so grand and yet so delicate, standing out against the background of lurid night, the helplessness of the bound arms, the arrow quivering in the shrinking side, the upturned brow, the eyes in whose dark depths enthusiastic faith seemed conquering agony and shame, the parted lips, which seemed to ask, like those martyrs in the Revelations, reproachful, half-resigned, "O Lord, how long?"

Careful, there," he said sharply, as their wheels swung dangerously near a stone shelter in the Place de la Concorde. Both Pougeot and Tignol noted with surprise the half-resigned, half-discouraged tone of the famous detective. "You don't mean that you think the American may be guilty?" questioned the commissary. "Never in the world!" grumbled Tignol.

This was all that came to him a menace, a shock, a danger to his work. I suppose it is this sad, half-resentful, half-resigned feeling, piercing through the few words Jim said now and then, that puzzled Brown so much in the reading of his character.

In the half-scornful, half-resigned look she had given him when he entered there was no doubt that she recognized him as the man she had come to see. He had changed little in the five years that had elapsed since he entered the three partners' cabin at Heavy Tree Hill. His short hair and beard still clung to his head like curled moss or the crisp flocculence of Astrakhan.

He made the half-resigned, half-impatient gesture of the man who feels himself drawn into a familiar argument from which there is no issue. "He left yesterday for Germany." "He was here too long!" she said, with an uncontrollable escape of bitterness. Odo sighed. "If you would but let me bring him to you, you would see that his influence over me is not what you think it."

Abdulla's letter he read carefully and rammed it into his pocket, also with anger, but with anger that ended in a half-resigned, half-amused smile. He would never give in as long as there was a chance. "It's generally the safest way to stick to the ship as long as she will swim," was one of his favourite sayings: "The safest and the right way.

I have said I give him to you. And he came, Bueno," murmured Dona Rosita, with a half-resigned, half-superstitious gesture. "WILL you be quiet!" It was the sound of Demorest's feet on the gravel path, returning from his fruitless search. He had seen nothing. It must have been Dona Rosita's fancy. "She was just saying she thought she had been mistaken," said Joan, quietly.

So great was the weariness of her tired body that as she lay still, watching the stars come out one by one, she was half-resigned to lie so and let death come to find her. It seemed to her that there in the rude arms of Mother Earth a human life was a matter of no greater consequence than the down upon a moth's wing.