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The next moment Cressy appeared at the door with an odd half-lazy defiance in her manner, which the master could not understand except upon the hypothesis that she had been listening. She had already changed her elaborate toilet for a long clinging, coarse blue gown, that accented the graceful curves of her slight, petticoat-less figure.

"But the fact is, you see, that he never went home at all nary time." Everybody stared at Abner in genuine surprise and interest, as, with provoking calmness and a half-lazy manner, he went on, "You see, thar was a man down in 'Frisco as knowed him, and saw him in Sonora during the whole of that three years.

The master himself started, and awoke out of a perilous dream of other eyes and hair to collect himself severely. For the irresolute, half-embarrassed, half-lazy figure of a man had halted doubtingly before the porch and open door. Luckily the children, who were facing the master with their backs to the entrance, did not see it. Yet the figure was neither alarming nor unfamiliar.

The weather was so exquisitely good that I walked after tea to half-past eight, and enjoyed a sort of half-lazy, half-sulky humour like Caliban's, "There's wood enough within." Well, I may be the bear, but I must mount the ragged staff all the same. I set my myself to labour for R.P.G. The Germanic Horrors are my theme, and I think something may be yet made of them. May 3. An early visit from Mr.

Indolently he shrugged his shoulders, and with a half-lazy arrogance he answered, "Why should I try to create a personal and trivial future, when I can, without striving, merely survive from a far more glorious past? Listen, Mademoiselle, do you think as much can be accomplished by one short generation as by many? For instance, could a garden such as this be produced in the lifetime of one man?"

But for that, he might have shown some concern or asked an explanation. As it was, he at once retorted with the national shrug and the national half-scornful, half-lazy "Quien sabe?" "Who knows?" repeated Peyton, hotly. "I do! She was thrown out of her buggy through your negligence and infernal laziness!

Their mothers had called him Mr. Randall, but then he had been the contemporary of the mothers. No daughter of these bygone belles was secure in her place to-day until the seal of Mr. Allie's half-serious, half-lazy approval was upon her, or so the mothers and the daughters felt. Mr.