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"No; it's like the desert; the dark hour before the sand-storm." Upon his brow the perspiration gathered, but his lip curled half-scornfully, half-defiantly. "Turn me toward the valley, Ernest. There's more space; more light!"

"I I was looking for something I couldn't find," he said hesitatingly. "What?" "Its soul." "Its soul? 'the light that never was on land or sea. You are too exacting. Only real poets do things like that. I'm not a genius." "You don't need to be. But one must live a real life to write real things," he said bluntly. "And I don't," she said half-defiantly.

"Sorry I had to do it," the chairman said, half-apologetically, half-defiantly. Jacob Welse smiled. "You took your chance," he answered, "and I can't blame you. I only wish I'd got you, though." Excited voices arose from across the cabin. "Here, you! Leggo!" "Step on his fingers, Tim!" "Break that grip!" "Ouch! Ow!" "Pry his mouth open!" Frona saw a knot of struggling men about St.

A few questions made it clear that the object was fictitious, whereupon the boy broke down and half-defiantly stated that he wanted to buy two twenty-five cent tickets, one for his girl and one for himself, to a dance of the Benevolent Social Twos; that he hadn't a penny of his own although he had worked in a brass foundry for three years and had been advanced twice, because he always had to give his pay envelope unopened to his father; "just look at the clothes he buys me" was his concluding remark.

Haviland espied him presently: "Bravo, here is Quinet. Quinet, what are you doing?" "Cultivating dulness," replied the figure, scarcely glancing up. "Come and cultivate us, for a contrast, my friend." "Would I be changing occupation?" "Sit here and we will show you. Yourself may be as dull as you like." The stranger, nonchalantly, and half-defiantly, seated himself, after introduction.

The consul looked at his watch it was time to go down. He grimly pinned the fateful flower in his buttonhole, and half-defiantly descended to the drawing-room. Here, however, he was inclined to relax when, from a group of pretty women, the bright gray eyes of Mrs. MacSpadden caught his, were suddenly diverted to the lapel of his coat, and then leaped up to his again with a sparkle of mischief.

The Padre propped himself against the bar, and his eyes suddenly rested on an ugly stain on the sand floor. Beasley followed his glance, and beheld the pool of blood which had flowed from the Kid's wound. He cursed himself for not having obliterated it. Then, in a moment, he decided to carry the matter with a high hand. "Psha'! What's the use'n beatin' around!" he said half-defiantly.

Farley? or was it with Vincent?" He smiled and shook his head. "We can't do it, Ardea go back to the old way, you know. You see there's a stump in the road, the very first thing." "I shan't admit it," she said half-defiantly. "I am going to make you like the Farleys." He shook his head again. "You'll have to make a Christian of me first, and teach me how to love my enemies."

Hence I am contented, and say it is better with me than with millions. As she spoke these words, she put her hand upon the watch, and restored it to the precise spot on her little table which it always occupied. With her touch lingering upon it, she sat for some moments afterwards, looking at it steadily and half-defiantly.

He was loyal to his dead leader, but he looked up and down, and then said, slowly and half-defiantly: "Well, judge, he was a MAN." Everybody laughed. That the strongest and most magic of all human passions should always awake levity in any public presentment of or allusion to it was one of the inconsistencies of human nature which even a lynch judge had to admit.