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Suddenly I heard one of my boys shout at the top of his voice, as he threw up his arms, "Yong guk ta-in." We all stopped, and the others took up the cry. "What does this mean?" I asked. "Some rebel soldiers are surrounding us," said Min-gun, "and they are going to fire. They think you are a Japanese." I stood against the sky-line and pointed vigorously to myself to show that they were mistaken.

"GUK! He was a fat, heavy man, that Riedermann, the captain; the three of us could scarce drag him up on deck and cast him over the side, with the other two. "Then Juan and Liro talked, and said: 'Now for these Tafito men; they, too, must die. They brought up rifles, and went to the forepart of the schooner, where the Tafito men lay in a drunken sleep, and shot them dead.

To David's ears there was something familiar in that song as it rose wildly on the morning air. "Pa sho ke non ze koon, Ta ba nin ga, Ah no go suh nuh guk, Na quash kuh mon; Na guh mo yah nin koo, Pa sho ke non ze koon, Pa sho ke non ze koon, Ta ba nin go." "What is it?" he asked, when Father Roland dropped back to his side, smiling and breathing deeply.

"Yong guk!" I shouted, with my boys. It was not dignified, but it was very necessary. Now we could see creeping, ragged figures running from rock to rock, closer and closer to us. The rifles of some were covering us while the others advanced. Then a party of a couple of dozen rose from the ground near to hand, with a young man in a European officer's uniform at their head.

Then that mixture was pumped out, to be replaced by a mixture of approximately 20 per cent oxygen and 80 per cent nitrogen common, or garden-variety, air. Mike the Angel cracked his helmet and sniffed. "Guk," he said. "If I ever faint and someone gives me smelling salts, I'll flay him alive with a coarse rasp." "Yessir," said Chief Multhaus, as he began to shuck his suit.

Old Lebauro, the cook, slid through the trees and stood over him, and said, 'U, GUK! He's a fine-made man, and gave me her knife; and then I collared Le-jennabon, and " "For God's sake, Ned, don't tell me you killed her too!" He shook his head slowly.