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It can well be imagined how important a matter it is also, in the light of Grierson's and Kuhn's linguistic conclusions, to ascertain whether any of the Mon-Khmêr people in Anam and Cambodia and neighbouring countries possess social customs in common with the Khasis.

Harry and Walter were in the same class at Dr. Grierson's Academy in Rosehampton, and very good scholars both were. One or other was pretty sure to be at the top most days, and if Walter was first, Harry would be not far off, and vice versa. One day, however, the rest of the boys were very much amused at some strange mistakes made by these duxes.

Neither Miss Grierson's mind nor body was geared for rapid action. She was taken aback, and yet not offended. So being at a loss, she resorted to the chief item in her stock in trade, her ever dependable dignity. "I cannot say that I was. In fact, sir, I do not know who you are." "Miss Cameron knows and she is expecting me," Larry returned pleasantly.

"Perhaps I am, a little," said Howard, "but you are not very much like Jack! Show me Mrs. Darby's house, by the way. I wonder how things are going." "There it is," said Maud, pointing to a house not far from the Vicarage, "and there is Dr. Grierson's dogcart. I am afraid I had not been thinking about her; but I do hope it's all right. I think she will get over this.

The road from side to side was plowed deep with the hoofs of horses, every footprint pointing northward. "Grierson's cavalry," said Dick. "I take it that it can't be anything else. There is certainly in these parts no rebel force of cavalry large enough to make this trail." "How old would you say these tracks are?" "Hard to tell, but they can't have been made many hours ago.

He nodded over the brimming glass with a knowing "Well, chin-chin!" and subsided diagonally into a chair with his legs across one arm. "I thought Grierson's age and experience might save my play from further amateur surgery," Eric explained. "Tootaloo," chirped Manders resiliently and dragged a crumpled script from his pocket.

The battery remained at Port Hudson, participating in all the operations of the forces there till May 1, 1863, when it was ordered to Williams's Bridge to intercept Grierson's raid, arriving there a few hours after the raid had passed. "May 7. Ordered to Jackson, Mississippi, with Marcy's Brigade. "Participated in the Big Black campaign of General Johnston.

I marched out of Memphis punctually with three small divisions, taking different roads till we approached the Tallahatchie, when we converged on Wyatt to cross the river, there a bold, deep stream, with a newly-constructed fort behind. I had Grierson's Sixth Illinois Cavalry with me, and with it opened communication with General Grant when we were abreast of Holly Springs.

I marched out of Memphis punctually with three small divisions, taking different roads till we approached the Tallahatchie, when we converged on Wyatt to cross the river, there a bold, deep stream, with a newly-constructed fort behind. I had Grierson's Sixth Illinois Cavalry with me, and with it opened communication with General Grant when we were abreast of Holly Springs.

At 10 o'clock A.M. we met the advance of Colonel Grierson's cavalry. Our wearied column of soldiers were called in, therefore we were very much pleased to see them. We advanced a short distance and halted near a well of delicious cool water, some two miles from Port Hudson. In a few minutes, General Augur rode up and held a conference with General Grover. At 7 P.M. I was detailed to go on picket.