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Just as I got inside the door, I saw the girl start back, and her hand drop, for she saw that it was Fingall; he was looking at her very strange. It was the rule to empty the gun into a man who had been sentenced; and already Fingall had heard his, 'God-have-mercy! The girl was to do it. "Fingall said to her in a muffled voice, 'Fire Cynthie! "I guessed what she would do.

Adieu, Vanne Castine; to see you again ver' happy, Vanne Castine. Ha, that is what you get in Bon'venture. Who say 'God bless you' in New York! They say 'Damn you! yes, I know. "Where have you a church so warm, so ver' nice, and everybody say him mass and God-have-mercy? Where you fin' it like that leetla place on de hill in Bon'venture? Yes.

Adieu, Vanne Castine; to see you again ver' happy, Vanne Castine. Ha, that is what you get in Bon'venture. Who say 'God bless you' in New York! They say 'Damn you! yes, I know. "Where have you a church so warm, so ver' nice, and everybody say him mass and God-have-mercy? Where you fin' it like that leetla place on de hill in Bon'venture? Yes.

Sapristi! if I have only one ting to say God-have-mercy for, I tink dat ver' good; I do my penance happy. Well, dat Mathurin him use to teach de school. De Cure he ver' fond of him. All de leetla children, boys and girls, dey all say: 'C'est bon Mathurin! He is not ver' cross non. He have no wife, no child; jes live by himself all alone. But he is ver' good friends with everybody in Pontiac.

Sapristi! if I have only one ting to say God-have-mercy for, I tink dat ver' good; I do my penance happy. Well, dat Mathurin him use to teach de school. De Cure he ver' fond of him. All de leetla children, boys and girls, dey all say: 'C'est bon Mathurin! He is not ver' cross non. He have no wife, no child; jes live by himself all alone. But he is ver' good friends with everybody in Pontiac.

Just as I got inside the door, I saw the girl start back, and her hand drop, for she saw that it was Fingall; he was looking at her very strange. It was the rule to empty the gun into a man who had been sentenced; and already Fingall had heard his, 'God-have-mercy! The girl was to do it. "Fingall said to her in a muffled voice, 'Fire Cynthie! "I guessed what she would do.

At last, Dempsy of the Cow and Horn began in deep, full tones the first movement of the "Kyrie eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie eleison," and one by one every voice leapt up in a God-have-mercy, and the walls echoed and without the birds seemed to take it up, and it was carried to a listening ear not far from the shadow of the wall.