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Nae man's character is safe in their keeping; and they're sae fu' o' mischief that they hae even blawn into the king's lug that my tower o' Gilnockie was escheat to the king by the death o' my ancestor, who was hanged at Carlenrig. They say a' the mischief that has come on the Borders sin' the guid auld times, has its beginning in that coterie o' weazened gimmers.

"I am no justifying Killbuck a'thegither neither, and I am sure it is as vexing to me as to you, Elshie, that the mischance should hae happened; but I'll send you twa goats and twa fat gimmers, man, to make a' straight again.

Lady Tatham, it seemed, was a widow, with an only boy, a lad of seven, who was the heir to Duddon Castle, and its great estates. The Castle was ten miles from the Tower. "How shall I ever get there?" thought Mrs. Melrose, despairingly. As to other neighbours, they seemed to consist entirely of an old bachelor doctor, about three miles away, and the clergyman of Gimmers Wick and his wife.

Melrose will make her home here, and will no doubt become very much attached to this charming old house. By the way, what neighbours are there?" "Practically none, sir." "But there is a church and I suppose a parson?" "Not resident. The clergyman from Gimmers Wick comes over alternate Sundays." "H'm. Then I don't see why I was asked to contribute to church repairs.

Paybody saw that he had done with the argument if he should grant that they were sitting when Christ took bread, therefore he calleth that in question. Vulcan’s own gimmers could not make his answer and the Bishop’s to stick together. But let us examine the ground which Paybody takes for his opinion.

And the talk of the men of the land is of wethers and gimmers, of tup-hoggs, ewe tegs in wool, and other things which are but fearsome names to you and me; and always of the doings or misdoings, the intelligence or stupidity, of their adjutants, the sheep-dogs. Of all the Daleland, the country from the Black Water to Grammoch Pike is the wildest.

But she drove with efficiency and precision; she smiled at the Gimmers and Ffoulkes and the Hedley Seatons.