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When I come home I may be nothing but a giggly, childishly happy old lady, who doesn't care a rap whether her skin fits or not. The prospect of war is getting more and more serious. Out in the Inland Sea, the war ships are hastening here and there on all sorts of secret missions. I hope with all my heart there will not be war, but if there is, I hope Japan will wipe Russia right off the map!

In the blaze of the electric lights, he saw Lizzie Connolly and her giggly friend. Only for an instant he hesitated, then his hand went up and his hat came off. He could not be disloyal to his kind, and it was to more than Lizzie Connolly that his hat was lifted.

You were mighty nice to overlook a break like that, but " Unconsciously his eyes shifted to Cortlandt, who was conversing politely with a giggly old lady from Gatun. She tapped his cheek lightly with her fan. "Just to show you how forgiving I am, I am going to ask you to go riding with me. The late afternoons are lovely now, and I've found a good horse for you. I suppose you ride?" "I love it."

He supposed that they were all alike pretty, fun-loving, timid, giggly, prone to curl themselves like kittens, impulsive, and pardonably vain.

The girl's heart sickened under the brutal frankness of a dozen calculating eyes, yet she valiantly maintained her part, while Shirley marveled at her clever simulation of silly, giggly, semi-intoxication. One youth deserted them to disappear through the distant dining room entrance. The comments about the table were interesting to the keen-eared masquerader.

Then very soberly, like a child with a lesson, she began to repeat Barton's impulsive phrases. "'In this light," she droned, "'with your hat pushed back like that and your hair fluffed up like that and the the " More unexpectedly then than anything that could possibly have happened she burst out laughing a little low, giggly, school-girlish sort of laugh.

For more'n four years I'd been just Torchy or Boy to all hands in the shop, from Old Hickory down; and now all of a sudden I finds there's one party at least that rates me in the Sir class. Kind of braced me for swingin' past all that row of giggly lady typists and on into Mr. Robert's private office. Thrill No. 2 arrived half an hour later.

In sober life Keith did his duty reasonably well, and was never far behind financially. She fell silent for a moment; then with a muttered "excuse me," she leaned directly across his shoulder to impart something low-voiced and giggly to the woman on his right. To do this she leaned her breast against his arm and shoulder. The conversation lasted some seconds.

Also they had gay silk handkerchiefs knotted picturesquely around their throats. There was another, a giggly, gurgly lady with gray hair fluffed up into a pompadour. You know the sort. She was the kind who refuses to grow old, and so merely grows imbecile. "Do tell us, Mr. Green," this young old lady urged, displaying much gold by her smile. "It sounds so romantic."

"Perhaps," says he, "but I intend to let nothing distract me from my work." And then here a few days later I runs across him making for the 5:03 with two giggly young sub-debs in tow. After he's planted 'em in a seat and stowed their hand luggage and wraps on the rack I slips into the vacant space with him behind the pair. "Where'd you collect the sweet young things, Stanley?" says I.