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A gigantesque character, surrounded by his romantic paladins Roland, Oliver, Ganelon and the rest his face turned alike toward west, east and south to France and Germany and Italy he nevertheless has long been sinking into the ever-darker shadows of a dulled obscurity.... Gard's friend and the other two Germans presently returned and interrupted his ruminations.

On the contrary, on his vast shoulders and shape generally gigantesque, his head looked oddly and unnaturally small. Inglewood had a politeness instinctive and yet awkward. His life was full of arrested half gestures of assistance.

For towers are not tall unless we look up at them; and giants are not giants unless they are larger than we. All this gigantesque imagination, which is, perhaps, the mightiest of the pleasures of man, is at bottom entirely humble. It is impossible without humility to enjoy anything even pride. But what we suffer from to-day is humility in the wrong place.

This idea somewhat satisfies me, as conveying an impression how gigantesque the campanile is in its mass and height, and how minute and varied in its detail. Surely these mediaeval works have an advantage over the classic. They combine the telescope and the microscope. The city was all alive in the summer evening, and the streets humming with voices.

For towers are not tall unless we look up at them; and giants are not giants unless they are larger than we. All this gigantesque imagination, which is, perhaps, the mightiest of the pleasures of man, is at bottom entirely humble. It is impossible without humility to enjoy anything even pride. But what we suffer from to-day is humility in the wrong place.

But the diction used by Christ is quite curiously gigantesque; it is full of camels leaping through needles and mountains hurled into the sea. Morally it is equally terrific; he called himself a sword of slaughter, and told men to buy swords if they sold their coats for them.

As Smythe took the handles and they turned the great corner of the street, Angus was amused to see a gigantesque poster of "Smythe's Silent Service," with a picture of a huge headless iron doll, carrying a saucepan with the legend, "A Cook Who is Never Cross." "I use them in my own flat," said the little black-bearded man, laughing, "partly for advertisements, and partly for real convenience.

A certain grandeur of movement alone can preserve its gigantesque quality and impression of power.

The notion of a far-seeing and despotic statesman, who can lay down plans for ages yet unborn, is a fancy generated by the pride of the human intellect to which facts give no support. The plans of Charlemagne died with him; those of Richelieu were mistaken; those of Napoleon gigantesque and frantic. But a wise and great constitutional monarch attempts no such vanities.

Et lui, Buonaparte, il a voulu creer, non pas un homme, mais un empire, et pour donner une existence, une ame, a son oeuvre gigantesque, il n'a pas hesite a arracher la vie a des nations entieres. Jupiter indigne de l'impiete de Promethee, le riva vivant a la cime du Caucase.