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Consequently the benefiziati and statuali of Florence correspond to the gentiluomini of Venice. Of these burghers there were about 400 families or houses, but at different times the number was larger, and before the plague of 1527 they made up a total of about 4,000 citizens eligible for the Consiglio Grande.

Vol. ii. of his works, p. 37. On p. 29 he describes the population of Venice as divided into 'Popolari, or plebeians, exercising small industries, and so forth: 'Cittadini, or the middle class, born in the state, and of more importance than the plebeians; 'Gentiluomini, or masters of Venice by sea and land, about 3,000 in number, corresponding to the burghers of Florence.

The Doge took this light punishment greatly amiss, considering it, indeed, as a further insult. Sabellico says not a word of Michel Steno, or of this definite cause of offence, and Romanin quotes the contemporary records to show that though Alcuni zovanelli fioli de gentiluomini di Venetia are supposed to have affronted the Doge, no such story finds a place in any of them.

Every shop was illuminated with a large glass chandelier before it, besides the wax candles and coloured lamps interspersed among the ornaments within. The senators have much the appearance of our lawyers going robed to Westminster Hall, but the gentiluomini, as they are called, wear red dresses, and remind me of the Doctors of the ecclesiastical courts in Doctors Commons.