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"Let him go," said Herbert. "I bet he don't like you any more than he does anybody else. Leave go of him, and I bet he shows he likes me better than he does you." But when Florence released him, Gammire caressed them both impartially. He leaped upon one, then upon the other, and then upon Kitty Silver with a cordiality that almost unseated her. "Let him off the leash," Florence cried.

But I don't see what harm there is in telling who it is that gives anybody a present." "No harm at all," Julia murmured as she sealed the note she had written. Then she turned smilingly to face her niece. "Only I'm not going to." "Well, then, Aunt Julia" and now Florence came to her point "what I wanted to know is just simply the plain and simple question: Will you give this dog Gammire to me?"

"Miss Julia ain't sayin'; an' me, I don' know who done it no mo'n the lilies of the valley whut toil not neither do they spins." In response, Mr. Atwater was guilty of exclamations lacking in courtesy; and turning again toward Gammire, he waved his arm. "Didn't you hear me tell you to get out of here?"

"He won't run away, 'cause the gates are shut. Let him loose and see what he'll do." Mrs. Silver snapped the catch of the leash, and Gammire departed in the likeness of a ragged black streak. With his large and eccentric ears flapping back in the wind and his afterpart hunched in, he ran round and round the little orchard like a dog gone wild.

"That's what I mean," Florence explained. "I expect he's just brute enough to drive him off." "Yes'm," said Mrs. Silver. "He git madder ev'y time somebody sen' her new pet. You' grampaw mighty nervous man, an' everlas'n'ly do hate animals." "He hasn't seen Gammire, has he?" "Don't look like it, do it?" said Kitty Silver. "Dog here yit."

The good green earth ceased to seem secure; and Herbert climbed a tree. He surrounded himself with the deepest foliage; and beneath him some outlying foothills of Kitty Silver were visible, where she endeavoured to lurk in the concealment of a lilac bush. Gammire was the only person in view.

Grandpa talks about him so torrably and and " Here, such was the unexpected depth of her feeling that she choked, whereupon her aunt, overcome with laughter, but nevertheless somewhat touched, sprang up and threw two pretty arms about her charmingly. "You funny Florence!" she cried. "Then will you give me Gammire?" Florence asked instantly. "No.

Gammire observed the gesture, and at once "sat up," placing his forepaws over his nose in prayer, but Mr. Atwater was the more incensed. "Get out of here, you woolly black scoundrel!" Mrs. Silver uttered a cry of injury before she perceived that she had mistaken her employer's intention.

At the moment the ball left the racket Gammire abandoned his prayers: his eyes, like a careful fielder's, calculating and estimating, followed the swerve of the ball in the breeze, and when it fell he was on the correct spot. He caught it. Herbert shouted. "He caught it on the fly! It must have been an accident. Here " And he struck the ball into the air again.

The stone missed, and Gammire fled desperately after it. "You get over that fence!" Mr. Atwater cried. "You wait till I find another rock and I'll " He began to search for another stone, but, before he could find one, Gammire returned with the first. He deposited it upon the ground at Mr. Atwater's feet. "There's your rock," he said. Mr.