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When Gabilonda was announced, General Carlo followed almost at his heels. The latter glanced in surprise at O'Halloran. "Where did you catch him, excellency?" he asked. "I did not catch him. He has caught me, and, incidentally, you, general," answered the sardonic Megales. "In short, general," laughed the big Irishman, "the game is up." "But the army You haven't surrendered without a fight?"

"I'm afraid he will not be able to give the countersign to Garcia. In the meantime, excellency, pending his return, I would suggest that you notify Colonel Gabilonda to turn over the prison to us without resistance." "You hear your new dictator, colonel," said Megales. "Pardon me, your excellency, but a written order " "Would relieve you of responsibility. So it would. I write once more."

Since it was entirely possible that the big Irishman O'Halloran might be the man on horseback within a very few days, the colonel was all suave words and honeyed smiles to his friend the ranger. Indeed he did him the unusual honor of a personally conducted inspection. Gabilonda was a fat little man, with a soft, purring voice and a pompous manner.

"I am honored, sir, to receive such consideration at the hands of so distinguished a soldier as Colonel Gabilonda," bowed Bucky gravely, in his turn, with the most flowery Spanish he could muster. There was another half-hour of the mutual exchange of compliments before O'Connor could get away.

Gabilonda, who was the only Mexican officer who protested against the massacre, came very near being mobbed by Americans in Tucson, although he was perfectly innocent of any crime, on the contrary, deserved credit for his humanity in rescuing the boy Evans. Gabilonda was subsequently tried by a Mexican court martial organized by Pesquiera, the Governor of Sonora, and acquitted.

"My God! man, you don't know what it means to me. Sometimes I think I shall go mad and rave. After all these years But I know you'll fail It's too good to be true," he finished quietly. "I'll not fail, though I may be delayed. But I can't say more. Gabilonda is coming back. Next time I see you it will be to take you out to freedom. Think of that always, and believe it." Gabilonda bowed urbanely.

I want to blot it all out like a hideous nightmare." Bucky ordered Colonel Gabilonda to bring up from his cell General Valdez and the other arrested suspects. They reached the office at the same time as Mike O'Halloran, who greeted them with the good news that the day was won. The Megales faction had melted into mist, and all over the city a happy people was shouting for Valdez.

"It is against the rules, senor, but if you will be brief " The colonel shrugged, and turned his back to them, in order not to see. It must be said for Gabilonda that his capacity for blinking what he did not think it judicious to see was enormous. "You are David Henderson, are you not?" The ranger asked, in a low voice. Surprise filtered into the dull eyes.

"I did not so understand Senor O'Halloran." "If you're not you have to earn your grub and lodgings. I'll appoint you my deputy, colonel. And, first off, my orders are to lock up his excellency and General Carlo in this cell till morning." "The cell, Senor O'Connor, is damp and badly ventilated," protested Gabilonda. "I know that a heap better than you do, colonel," said Bucky dryly.

If the man he wanted was among these he had changed beyond recognition. In the end he was forced to ask Gabilonda plainly if he would not take him to see David Henderson, as he knew a man in Arizona who was an old friend of his, and he would like to be able to tell him that he had seen his friend. Henderson was breaking stone when O'Connor got his first glimpse of him.