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"An' I boun'," continued Uncle Remus, driving the corn-cob stopper a little tighter in his deceitful jug and gathering up his bag "an' I boun' dat my ole muskit 'll go off 'tween me an' dat same nigger yit, an' he'll be at de bad een', an' dis seetful jug'll 'fuse ter go ter de funer'l."

Out at the barn, Lysander, almost disabled by the accession of a stiff white shirt and collar, was perspiring heavily in his haste to harness the mules. "Minervy's got 'er heart set on havin' the Odd Fellers conduct the funer'l," he said apologetically. "Strikes me kind o' onnecessary, but 't won't do no harm, I s'pose. She says yer paw was an Odd Feller 'way back, but he ain't kep' it up.

Then all were amazed when Case drew forth a flat wallet from an inner pocket, tossed it on the table, and simply said, "See and raise you." Now there was audible word of warning. Watts looked as though he wished to interpose, but was checked instantly by Case himself. "Been saving that for funer'l expenses," said he doggedly, "but I'm backin' this hand for double what's in that."

Some niggers mighty smart, but dey can't drive de pidgins ter roos'. You may know de way, but better keep yo' eyes on de seven stairs. All de buzzards in de settlement 'll come to de gray mule's funer'l. You k'n hide de fier, but w'at you gwine do wid de smoke? Termorrow may be de carridge-driver's day for ploughin'. Hit's a mighty deaf nigger dat don't year de dinner-ho'n.

I got to watch Melinda. Simon Leslie, he have come by and put it in Jules' head since de funer'l! I hear it, me." The young man's face changed through the dusk. He braced his back against the fence and breathed the deep sigh of tried patience. "Honoré, how many mothers is it you have already?" "I have not count'," said the young man, testily. "Count dem mothers," ordered Clethera.

I'd grieve for any po' human dat can't find rest in 'er grave an' I'm gwine to consolate her, good as I kin. Soon as de dark o' de moon comes, I gwine out an' set on her grave an' moan, an' ef dat don't ease her, maybe when her funer'l is preached she'll be comforted." "And hasn't she had her funeral sermon yet, Tamar?" "Oh no, 'm. 'Tain't time, hardly, yit.

"I went to your wife's funeral this morning, Jules," said the passer, impressing on the widower's hearing an important fact which might have escaped his one eye. "You was at de funer'l? Did you see Thérèse?" "Yes, I saw her." "Ah, what a fat woman dat was! I make some of de peop' feel her arm. I feed her well." The other old man smiled, but he was bound to say, "I'm sorry for you, Jules."

Up he jump, en out he went. W'en Brer Rabbit got close ter Brer Fox house, all look lonesome. Den he went up nigher. Nobody stirrin'. Den he look in, en dar lay Brer Fox stretch out on de bed des es big ez life. Den Brer Rabbit make like he talkin' to hisse'f. "'Nobody 'roun' fer ter look atter Brer Fox not even Brer Tukkey Buzzard ain't come ter de funer'l, sezee.