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He was in political opinion a consistent and fearlessly outspoken Republican. He and I therefore differed toto coelo. But our differences never diminished our, I trust, mutual esteem, nor our friendly intercourse. But he was a born frondeur. He edited during his latter years a newspaper at Rome, which was a thorn in the side of the authorities.

"I am astonished," said Mazarin, quite delighted at having recovered his memory, and bristling with malice "I am astonished, Monsieur Athos that a Frondeur like you should have accepted a mission for the Mazarin, as used to be said in the good old times " And Mazarin began to laugh, in spite of a painful cough, which cut short his sentences, converting them into sobs.

Mazarin seemed to divine the thoughts of the Frondeur, for he smiled upon him with triumph, and immediately, "Sire," said he to the king, "I have the honor of presenting to your majesty, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, ambassador from his Britannic majesty.

In that respect he has followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, who had something of the frondeur spirit, and preferred the position of a grand seigneur and a country gentleman to that of a tchinovnik and a courtier.

He left Elsmere struggling with a pang of horrible depression. In reality there was no man who worked harder at the New Brotherhood during the months that followed than Lestrange. He worked under perpetual protest from the frondeur within him, but something stung him on on till a habit had been formed which promises to be the joy and salvation of his later life.

I avowed myself a partisan of the Fronde, and within three days the Chevalier who but a little time before had sought an alliance with the Cardinal's family had become as rabid a frondeur as M. de Gondi, as fierce an anti-cardinalist as M. de Beaufort.

Thereupon he made me a very low bow, and said that he did not mean to affront me; that he only came with his comrades to tell me of the report that I designed to carry the Duc d'Orleans to Court, and reconcile him with Mazarin; that they did not believe it; that they were at my service, and ready to venture their lives for me, provided I would but promise them to be always an honest Frondeur.

"I have only accepted the mission near the king of France, monsieur le cardinal," retorted the comte, though with less asperity, for he thought he had sufficiently the advantage to show himself moderate. "And yet, Monsieur le Frondeur," said Mazarin gayly, "the affair which you have taken in charge must, from the king " "With which I have been given in charge, monseigneur.

He did the like in the streets, but in vain, and came to Broussel and me; but the former reprimanded him after his way, and I threatened to throw him out at the window, for I had reason to believe that he acted in concert with the Cardinal, though he pretended to be a Frondeur.

The day of civil war was over. The daring heroines and voluptuous blonde beauties of the Frondeur party must seek excitement elsewhere. Some looked for it in literature; for the female education of France in that age was far higher than England could show. The intellectual glory of the reign of the Grand Monarque began in its women.