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I had done fishing or rather, frogging and had pushed the canoe into some tall grass out of sight, and was sitting there just doing nothing. A musquash came by, and rubbed his nose against the canoe, and nibbled a lily root before he noticed me. A shoal of minnows were playing among the grasses near by. A dragon-fly stood on his head against a reed a most difficult feat, I should think.

"Twenty big hens in one roost that was killing," snarled Kagax savagely, as he strangled two young herons in their nest, while the mother bird went on with her frogging, not ten yards away among the lily pads, and never heard a rustle. Toward morning he turned homeward, making his way back in a circle along the top of the ridge where his den was, and killing as he went.

It was then that Harold burst in, very dusty, his stockings at his heels, and the channels ploughed by tears still showing on his grimy cheeks; and Selina was at last permitted to know that he had been thinking of her ever since his ill-judged exhibition of temper, and that his sulks had not been the genuine article, nor had he gone frogging by himself.

Madame Durieu, Mademoiselle Goujet, and Madame d'Hauteserre sprang to help her, for she was suffocating. She signed to cut the frogging of her habit. "Duped!" said Corentin to Peyrade. "I am certain now they are on their way to Paris. Change the orders." They left the room and the house, placing one gendarme on guard at the door of the salon.

I hope no aesthetic devotee of the fly-rod will lay down the book in disgust when I confess to a weakness for frogging. I admit that it is not high-toned sport; and yet I have got a good deal of amusement out of it.

But what the instinct means unless, like our own dancing, it is a pure bit of pleasure-making, as crows play games and loons swim races nobody can tell. Before the young were fully grown, and while yet they were following the mother to learn the ways of frogging and fishing, a startling thing occurred which made me ever afterwards look up to Quoskh with honest admiration.

There she fed them with the morsels she held in her beak; brought more food from a tuft of grass where she had hidden it, near at hand; praised them with gurgling croaks till they felt some confidence on their awkward legs; then the whole family started up the shore on their first frogging expedition.

It was some consolation to find three of my hooks sticking in his mouth. Lastly, we had a large section of him stuffed and baked. It was good; but a ten-pound fish would have been better, The moral of all this if it has any moral is, use hooks according to the size of fish you expect to catch. And, when you are in a permanent camp, and fishing is very poor, try frogging.

To use it, paddle up behind him silently and drop the rag just in front of his nose. He is pretty certain to take it on the instant. Knock him on the head before cutting off his legs. It is unpleasant to see him squirm and hear him cry like a child while you are sawing at his thigh joints. By far the most effective manner of frogging is by the headlight on dark nights.

Night Heron call hoarsely enough to each other, but imagine three or four baby Herons crying from every nest truly the parents can have but little rest, for day and night they must go frogging or fishing, to fill the stomachs of their red-eyed awkward children. "When the nesting season is over, however, this Heron again becomes the night watchman of the marshes.