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Frayling, some of Evadne's wisdom occurring to her with the old worn axiom upon which for untold ages the masculine excuse for self-indulgence at the expense of the woman has rested. "I believe Evadne is right after all. I shall get out her letters, and read them again. And what is more, I shall write to her just as often as I please." Mr.

They were kept very much as she was accustomed to have them, but there was that something of bareness about them, and a kind of spick-and-spanness conveying a sense of emptiness and desertion which strikes cold to the heart when it comes of the absence of someone dear. And Mr. Frayling felt the discomfort of it.

That it really permitted a good deal, one way or another, displaying considerable docility under the infliction of benefits, would have been coarse to perceive and unpardonably brutal to mention. Such, anyhow, was the opinion held by his cousin, General Frayling, at whose expense he now enjoyed a recuperative sojourn upon the French Riviera.

I didn't intend to see anyone unless poor little Theresa But no, truly no one. Both Hordle and Mary were off duty I ought not to have let them be away at the same time, perhaps, but I did feel they both needed a holiday, don't you know. And either they had forgotten to give Laura my orders, or she lost her head, or was talked over. I daresay Mrs. Frayling insisted."

He, I know, has thought so too for I have not been able to resist letting him pour out his hopes and fears to me now and then. I could not refuse either him or myself that indulgence, because" Mrs. Frayling rose, and, bending over our much tried and now positively flabbergasted damsel, brushed her hair with a butterfly kiss. "Because my own hopes were also not a little engaged," she said.

To the ex-Anglo-Indian woman, society is as imperative a necessity as water to a fish. She must foregather or life loses all its savour; must entertain, be entertained, rub shoulders generally or she is lost. Henrietta Frayling suffered the accustomed fate, though to speak of rubbing shoulders in connection with her is to express oneself incorrectly to the verge of grossness.

As she had anticipated, Major Colquhoun made no difficulty about the arrangement. "I should not care a rap for an unwilling wife," he said. "Let her go her way, and I'll go mine. All I want now is to keep up appearances. It would be a deuced nasty thing for me if the story got about. Fellows would think there was more in it than there is." "But she will come round," said Mrs. Frayling.

The country, indeed, showed up with commendable indifference to depressing atmospheric conditions. Marychurch sent a contingent. Stourmouth followed suit in the shape of General Frayling attended by Marshall Wace in full clerical raiment bearing a wreath of palm, violets, and myrtle wholly disproportionate in bulk and circumference to his own shrivelled and rather tottery form.

Shocked at this sudden bitterness, touched to the quick by generous pity, regardless of possible onlookers here in the village street, where the hoof-beats of the trotting horses echoed loud from the house-walls on either side Damaris put her arms round Henrietta Frayling, clasping, kissing her. "Ah! don't, Henrietta," she cried. "Don't dare to say such ugly, lying things about your dear self.

Frayling enjoined between two sniffs, "that Major Colquhoun isn't good enough, and she won't have him." "Well, I understand that, at all events, better than anything else she has said," Major Colquhoun observed, almost as if a weight had been removed from his mind.