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There is no action or imagination of mine wherein I do not miss him; as I know that he would have missed me: for as he surpassed me by infinite degrees in virtue and all other accomplishments, so he also did in the duties of friendship: "Quis desiderio sit pudor, aut modus Tam cari capitis?" "O misero frater adempte mihi!

But see how that might be remedied: they must be wiped and made rid of the flies with fair foxtails, or great good viedazes, which are ass-pizzles, of Provence. And to this purpose I will tell you, as we go to supper, a brave example set down by Frater Lubinus, Libro de compotationibus mendicantium.

When we get a little farther into this barbarian empire, we can take the necessary steps to " "The Truth," Frater Vincent interrupted somewhat testily, "is for all men. It works, regardless of the state of civilization of the society."

Let's go out and act like hosts." The commander and a squad of ten men, along with Frater Vincent, strode majestically out of the door of the building and walked toward the Greatest Noble. They had all polished their armor until it shone, which was about all they could do in the way of finery, but they evidently looked quite impressive in the eyes of the natives.

Serenissime princeps; frater et amice charissime, ex ijs que nobiscum egit S. V. illustris legatus, intelleximus, quam grate vobis faceremus satis, si legatum aliquem cum mandatis instructum, ad S. V. ablegaremus. In quo certe quidem instituto adeo nobis ex animo placuit, quod est honeste postulatum, vt non nisi praestita re, possemus nobis quoquo modo satisfacere.

"Then you should have said quorum pars magna fuit frater Jackus meus," said Archie; "but I suspect that he was the principal actor." "Of course he was," said Tom; "there's not another fellow in the world like my brother Jack; I always said so before I came to sea, and now I have been with him so long, I can say it from my own observation.

Below is a long Latin inscription, telling that this is the tomb of a brother and sister who were devotedly attached to each other. Who this soror and frater were, there is no record to tell. All subsidiary details of their lives have been allowed to pass away with the other decorations of the tomb, leaving behind this beautiful expression of household affection in full and lasting relief.

For lo! the Sub-Prior, a mild and most amiable man in his own estate, had proved harsh and overbearing in government. Ay, and in an irate mood he had fallen upon Brother William, the Sacrist, in the Frater, plucked out his hair and beaten him sore; whereat the Convent was no little scandalized, and counselled Brother William to resign his office.

He is called frater consobrinus. See Fuller's Worthies Vol III. p. 128. He was killed at the battle of Pavia. Courtenay, Earl of Devonshire, married Catherine, daughter of Edward. Believe me, my lord, there are some here, and those of the greatest in the land, who will be indignant if the Pope confirm the sentence against the late Queen. D'Inteville to Montmorency: The Pilgrim, p. 97.

And, besides, we haven't even been able to contact any of the natives for quite a while; they get out of our way. And we have taken a few prisoners " His voice was apologetic, but there was a trace of irritation in it. He didn't want to offend Frater Vincent, of course, but dammit, the Assemblyman didn't understand military tactics at all. Or, he corrected himself hastily, at least only slightly.