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"Liza," interrupted Rotha, "did you ever tell him in play I mean did you ever repeat anything he had said when he was unconscious?" "Not that about his mammy?" "No, no; but anything else?" "I mind I told him what he said over and over again about his fratch with that Garth." "Nothing else?" "Why, yes, now I think on't.

Our folks are slow to fratch, but they're not quick at letting go," said Tom, who paused and added: "I wunner where Bell got his money; he had none when he took a job at mill in oad Osborn's time." This started Kit on another line of thought. Bell had, no doubt, saved something, for he was parsimonious, and was too keen a business man to leave his money in the bank.

"Well, mother, you could not match her and the bits of radicalism she would give you. Keep the peace, mother; you have not her weapons in your armory." "I am just talking to relieve myself, John. I know better than to fratch with anyone at least I think I do."

"If I'm to lose my money at coal yards, I must earn some at mill, but unless I get t' repairs and new machines, mill willunt pay to run." He paused and studying Osborn's face resumed: "There'll be nea peace for either o' us while the Askews gan aboot makin' trouble." "I suppose that is so, to some extent," Osborn agreed. "Then is it fair to leave me to fratch wi' them?

Some of you worry in respect of your position in life as compared with other people's; but are you sure that some of this fratch and distress does not arise from feelings of envy, or jealousy, or discontent?

One of the farmers who had stood quietly by Peter Askew looked up with a slow smile; another's weather-beaten face got a little harder. They were seldom noisily quarrelsome, but they were stubborn and remembered an injury long. Peter, however, interposed: "We won't fratch; there's not much in arguing. You can beat moor t'ither side o' green road. Good day to you!"

David asked if he might see her, or should he just turn back to the town? Reuben protested, his hospitality and family feeling aroused, his poor mind torn with conflicting motives. 'I believe she'd fratch if she didna see tha, he said at last. 'A'll just goo ben, and ask.

"But don't they say Ralph saved Wilson's life away at the wars?" said Monsey. "Why could he want to inform against him and have him hanged?" "A dog winnet yowl an ye hit him with a bone, but a spy is worse ner ony dog," answered Matthew sententiously. "But why could he wish to do it?" "His fratch with Angus, that was all." "There must have been more than that, Matthew, there must."

"Shaf! dost thoo think yon fell's like a blind lonnin?" said Matthew. "Nay, but it's a bent place," continued Mr. Jackson. "How it dizzied and dozzled, too! And what a fratch yon was! My word! but Ralph did ding them over, both of them!" "He favors his father, does Ralph," said Matthew. "Ey! he's his father's awn git," chimed Reuben. "But that Joe Garth is a merry-begot, I'll swear."

"Counting in the lambs and ewes fra Swinset?" "They are counted," Hayes replied. "I'll give you particulars of the different lots." He read out some figures and then turned to the group by the fire. "I think we are all agreed?" "Aw, yis," said one. "It's as near as yan can mak' it, withoot sending flock to auction." Hayes turned to Railton. "Are you satisfied?" "We willunt fratch.