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One day he sent to me the picture of my wife framed in gold here it is. Is it not charming? The size of a franc-piece and so perfect! You know the soft hearts of women." "You mean that Madame Solde " "She persuaded me to let him come here to paint my portrait. He has done so, and now he paints Marie Wyndham. But " "But? Yes?" "But these things have their dangers."

When I have received from the bookseller the price of my labour, I will not forget that you succoured me with a small coin in the time of my sharpest trial." The bookbinder, case-hardened as he was against beggars, who on winter evenings drifted into his shop with the east wind, nevertheless experienced a certain sympathy and respect for the Marquis Tudesco. He slipped a franc-piece into his hand.

'A fellow calculating the chances catches at a knife in the air. 'Every franc-piece he had! cried Abrane. 'And how could the jackass expect to keep his luck! Flings off his old suit and comes back here with a rig of German bags you never saw such a figure! Shoreditch Jew's holiday! why, of course, the luck wouldn't stand that.

And if, on the contrary, your means are limited and your wants but few, the science of living has been so exactly conned and is so perfectly understood that your franc-piece will buy you as many necessaries as ever your fifty-cent greenback did home, and that, too, in face of the fact that all provisions are now, owing to the war and the taxes, as dear, if not dearer than they are in Philadelphia.

One day he sent to me the picture of my wife framed in gold here it is. Is it not charming? The size of a franc-piece and so perfect! You know the soft hearts of women." "You mean that Madame Solde " "She persuaded me to let him come here to paint my portrait. He has done so, and now he paints Marie Wyndham. But " "But? Yes?" "But these things have their dangers."

These unfortunate objects must have been buried and disinterred countless times in company with a French franc-piece. To the eye of faith the whistle and the pencil-case became gleaming ingots of gold and silver, and the solitary franc transformed itself into iron-bound chests gorged with ducats, doubloons, or pieces-of-eight: the last having a peculiarly attractive and romantic sound.

'A fellow calculating the chances catches at a knife in the air. 'Every franc-piece he had! cried Abrane. 'And how could the jackass expect to keep his luck! Flings off his old suit and comes back here with a rig of German bags you never saw such a figure! Shoreditch Jew's holiday! why, of course, the luck wouldn't stand that.

And, oh! there are so many poor children, so very many, that my purse is empty every day, when I return from my walk, and yet I give to each child only one poor franc-piece. So your people have money, more money than you yourself?"