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Formalyn!" bawled a page-boy under my nose, and I took the telegram and opened it at once. "For Heaven's sake come. Pyecraft." "H'm," said I, and to tell the truth I was so pleased at the rehabilitation of my great grandmother's reputation this evidently promised that I made a most excellent lunch. I got Pyecraft's address from the hall porter.

She shook her head sadly, "'E keeps on calling for vittles, sir. 'EAVY vittles 'e wants. I get 'im what I can. Pork 'e's 'ad, sooit puddin', sossiges, noo bread. Everythink like that. Left outside, if you please, and me go away. 'E's eatin', sir, somethink AWFUL." There came a piping bawl from inside the door: "That Formalyn?" "That you, Pyecraft?" I shouted, and went and banged the door.

Formalyn!" bawled a page-boy under my nose, and I took the telegram and opened it at once. "For Heaven's sake come. Pyecraft." "H'm," said I, and to tell the truth I was so pleased at the rehabilitation of my great-grandmother's reputation this evidently promised that I made a most excellent lunch. I got Pyecraft's address from the hall porter.

She shook her head sadly. "'E keeps on calling for vittles, sir. 'Eavy vittles 'e wants. I get 'im what I can. Pork 'e's had, sooit puddin', sossiges, noo bread. Everythink like that. Left outside, if you please, and me go away. 'E's eatin', sir, somethink awful." There came a piping bawl from inside the door: "That Formalyn?" "That you, Pyecraft?" I shouted, and went and banged the door.