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You never rang, I was gettin' quite fidgettin' about you, your heart's not very strong." Henrietta was composing his last letter, each moment making it more and more tender. She came back with a start to ordinary life, and the magazine article on "Beauties of George II.'s Court," which lay open before her.

Then she tried it agin, first she sot on one leg then on tother, quite oneasy, and then right atwixt both, a fidgettin about dreadfully; like a man that's rode all day on a bad saddle, and lost a little leather on the way. If you had seed how she stared at Porter, it would have made you snicker. She could'nt credit her eyes.

So I listened a goodish bit, and somehow everythin' seemed unnathural quiet, till I heard Katty fidgettin', and I went over to see would she take a dhrink of wather. The Lord presarve us and keep us, ma'am, if all the rest of them hadn't quit quit out of it they have, and left us cliver and clane." "Ah, now, don't be romancin' man," said the widow, remonstrantly.

For he's been rare quiet lately seems as if he was studyin' an' prayin' from mornin' to night, an' he ain't bin nowhere, an' no one's bin to see 'im, 'cept that scarecrow- lookin' chap, Adderley, which HE stayed a 'ole arternoon, jabberin' an' readin' to 'im. An' what's mighty queer to me is that he ain't bin fidgettin' over 'is garden like he used to.

" guess she was born the way she was ... she never could stay still a minute ... always fidgettin' ... when she was a little girl, even I used to say, 'Now, look here, Phoebe, I'd say, 'your ma 'ull give you a whole dime all at once if you'll set still jest for five minutes in that chair. An' she'd try ... and, before sixty seconds was ticked off she'd be on her feet, sayin', 'Ma, I guess you kin keep that dime.