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One lick, you little rascal, as it's a special occasion. And incidentally, mind my arm, young fellow-me-lad." He put Binks down, and turned with a smile to Mrs. Green. "Has he been good, Mrs. Green?" "Good as good, sir," she answered. "I'm sure he's a dear little dog. Just for the first week after you went the same as the other times he'd hardly touch a thing.

"I'll have to 'take shteps, as Burke says, and discipline you a bit, young fellow-me-lad! I don't wonder the old man pulled you in from Gleichen. Come to think of it, why, you're the bright boy that they say well-nigh started a mutiny down Regina! We heard a rumour about it up here. Say, what was that mix-up, Reddy?" George chuckled vaingloriously. "All over old 'Laddie'," he said.

"When we find the gun, too it's somewhere in this wood you'll see that the fingerprints won't help," he replied thoughtfully. "The man who remembered to safeguard his feet would not forget his hands. We're up against a tough proposition, young fellow-me-lad." "Your way of thinking reminds me of Herbert Spencer's reason for not learning Latin grammar as a youth," grinned Furneaux.

There was a long delay before a reply came. It was Mr Fisher's voice that spoke. Audrey, apparently, had not returned to the house immediately after leaving me. 'Hullo! said Sam. 'Good evening, Mr Fisher. 'Gee! Is that you, young fellow-me-lad? Are you speaking from London? 'No. I am at the "Feathers". He chuckled richly. 'Can't tear yourself away? Hat still in the ring? Say, what's the use?