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Wait till you hear what come off today Al. In the first place my feet's been going back on me for a long wile and they walked us all over France yesterday and this A. M. I couldn't hardly get my shoes on and they was going out for riffle practice and I don't need no riffle practice Al and besides that I couldn't of stood it so I got excused and I set around a wile after the rest of the bunch was gone and finely my feet got feeling a little better and I walked over to the estaminet where that little gal's at to see if maybe I couldn't brighten things up a little for her and sure enough she was all smiles when she seen me and we talked a wile about this in that and she tried to get personal and called me cherry which is like we say dearie and finely I made the remark that I didn't think we would be here much longer and then I seen she was going to blubber so I kind of petted her hand and stroked her hair and she poked her lips out and I give her a smack Al but just like you would kiss a kid or something after they fell down and hurt themself.

Now, you take your blankets an' hike down to the Elkhorn. Wait for me. I'll settle up, collect what's comin', an' give them what's comin'. I ain't no good on the water, but my feet's on terry-fermy now an' I'm sure goin' to make smoke." Half an hour afterwards Shorty appeared at the Elkhorn.

And then Bill again stumbled, and stopped as if in despair. "I think maybe his feet's balled up," suggested the boy. Jimmy climbed out and lifted Bill's extremities, hoof by hoof, patiently digging off the snow stilts with his pocket knife, until at last he found one hoof with a shoe missing. "Well, well, well! No wonder you stumbled, old fellow," he sympathized. "Cast a shoe, have you?

But it doesn't prove him mixed up in the murder mystery in any way." "No, sir, it don't. It's only made me sore on him and sore on my own account, too!" Fibsy grinned ruefully. "Me feet's that blistered and I'm lame all over!" "Poor boy! You see, he's a sprinter from 'way back. His stunts on that newspaper work prove he can take long walks without turning a hair."

Now, you take your blankets an' hike down to the Elkhorn. Wait for me. I'll settle up, collect what's comin', an' give them what's comin'. I ain't no good on the water, but my feet's on terry-fermy now an' I'm sure goin' to make smoke." Half an hour afterwards Shorty appeared at the Elkhorn.

The Orderly-Sergeant looked down the line, and called out: "Here, Corp'l Klegg, you're not fit to go. Neither are you, Shorty. Step out, both of you." "Yes, I'm all right," said Shorty. "Feet's got well. I kin outwalk a Wea Injun."

And passing the White House one day, I saw three pairs of feet on the sill of an open window; and pausing for a moment, a good-natured fellow said, 'That's the Cabinet a sittin', and them big feet's old Abe's. So, lecturing in Boston not long after, I said, like a fool as I was, 'That's about all they are good for in Washington, to point their feet out o' window and talk, but go nowhere and do nothing. When, indeed, the good President's heart was even then breaking with anxiety and trouble."

Bannon," she said; "I'd like to go very much." "All right," he replied, his smile returning. "I'll guarantee to get you up there somehow, if I have to build a stairway. Ninety feet's pretty high, you know." When Bannon reached the elevator he stood for a moment in the well at the west end of the structure.

As often as his name was mentioned, Miss Letty's eyes would grow hazy, and as often she would make some comical remark. 'Puir fallow! she would say, 'he was ower lang-leggit for this warld. Or again: 'Ay, he was a braw chield. But he canna live. His feet's ower sma'.

There was no answer for a moment or two. Then one of the men said, with a grin "I arn't drownded, sir; but I shall ketch cold if something arn't done my feet's wet." "Yes, so velly wet," cried a plaintive voice, and Ching struggled up from the bottom of the boat, and stood up, showing his blue cotton garments to be drenched with water. "What, have we sprung a leak?" cried Mr Brooke.