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Were it not that we all have a cowardly fear at death ourselves, and think it wicked and cruel even to hint at his approaching death even to a fast-dying man, we would never let any of our friends lie down on his sick-bed without having a reassuring and victorious page of the Pilgrim read to him every day.

It contained a few hastily scrawled words, and by the feeble light of the fast-dying candle Roger spelt them out laboriously: "If the finder of these clothes will take them to the cross-roads opposite the foot-bridge which leads straight to Courbevoie, and will do so before the clock of Courbevoie Church has struck the hour of midnight, he will be rewarded with the sum of five hundred francs."

The task of recalling him from the vagrancy into which he always sank when he had spoken, was like recalling some very weak person from a swoon, or endeavouring, in the hope of some disclosure, to stay the spirit of a fast-dying man. "Did you ask me for my name?" "Assuredly I did." "One Hundred and Five, North Tower." "Is that all?" "One Hundred and Five, North Tower."

The skipper and mate lost no opportunities of lancing, once they were alongside, but worked like heroes, until a final plunging of the fast-dying leviathan warned us to retreat. Up he went out of the glittering foam into the upper darkness, while we held our breath at the unique sight of a whale breaching at night. But when he fell again the effect was marvellous.

It was a stuffy place over the porter's lodge, approached by a flight of circular iron stairs and lumbered with many kinds of theatrical property. "Come in, my dear," said the stage manager, and pushing away some models of scenery he made room for her on a sofa which stood by a fast-dying fire.

There is a strange scene in the cramped little room of the quaint old house that night. By the light of two or three commissary candles and the flickering glare from the fire one can see the features of the watchers and of the fast-dying man.

But, surely, this is just what I am urging against you Protestants just what the Catholic use of confession obviates. 'Attempts to do so, you mean! answered Lancelot. 'But what if your religion preaches formally that which only remains in our religion as a fast-dying superstition?

She locked and unlocked the door more than once, and with a fast-dying hope, for the wretched door would not open. Flushed with annoyance, she turned around only to see Laramie standing precisely where she had imagined him. They faced each other. Kate could not have found a word to say had her life depended on it. Laramie held in his left hand an ink bottle, in his right a pen.

Again, I say, poor fellow! The woman opened the door, went to the other side of the room, and sat down on an old box and began darning an old neck-handkerchief. The silence was soon broken by the moans of the fast-dying man, and again he muttered, as he tossed to and fro, with baked white lips: "Je m'etoufee! Air!" There was no resisting that prayer, it seemed so like the last.

Ferrers; and I think it right to say that his last moments approach. We have done all that can be done." "Is he fully aware of his danger?" "He is; and has spent the last two hours in prayer it is a Christian's death-bed, sir." "Humph!" said Ferrers, as he followed the physician. "Come here, Lumley," faltered forth the fast-dying man. "There are none here but you three nearest and dearest to me?