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"Are you there, Galen Albret?" he challenged. The spell of twilight mystery broke. It seemed as if suddenly the air had become surcharged with the vitality of opposition. "What then?" countered the Factor's heavy, deliberate tones. "True, I see you now," rejoined the visitor carelessly, as he flung himself across the arm of a chair and swung one foot.

You'd lose a week, but you could overtake your outfit before it reached the Reindeer and it would be a mighty big favour to me. There's a a HELL of a thing happened over there." Again he looked at Miki. "GAWD!" he breathed. Challoner waited. He thought he saw a shudder pass through the Factor's shoulders.

The sources of the factor's restless discomfort were now two the first, that he had lifted his hand to women; the second, the old ground of his quarrel with Malcolm brought up by Lizzy. All his life, since ever he had had business, Mr. Crathie had prided himself on his honesty, and was therefore in one of the most dangerous moral positions a man could occupy ruinous even to the honesty itself.

At times there was a strange light in the woman's eyes as she questioned the men at the post. Then, one day, the factor's son told Jan that she wanted to see him in the little cabin at the other end of the clearing. A shiver went through him as he came to the door.

Upon the mantel shelf, however, stood a few unframed family photographs and some books, while above hung a rustic picture frame, the only frame to be seen in the room; it contained the motto, worked in coloured yarns: "God Bless Our Home." When pipes were lighted and we had drawn closer to the fire, the Factor occupied a quaint, home-made, rough-hewn affair known as the "Factor's chair."

It turned out that one of his ribs was broken, and he went straight to the hospital. The factor's wife took charge of Flora, and I saw her no more that day. One thing sadly marred our spirits we had no hope that Hiram Bunker or any of his crew had been saved, and the disaster cast a gloom on all in the fort.

If there is such a thing as love at first sight, it sprang into existence the moment John Newsome's eyes fell upon this lovely princess. Thereafter his visits to Wabigoon's village, thirty miles deeper in the wilderness, were of frequent occurrence. From the beginning Minnetaki returned the young factor's affections, but a most potent reason prevented their marriage.

His cheque was waiting. As he fingered the green slip whose face value was one hundred and twenty dollars, one fourth of his yearly stipend, he felt relieved, and at the same time oddly reluctant. Not until late in the evening did he get at the root of that reluctance. MacLeod had hospitably insisted on putting him up. They sat in the factor's living room before a great roaring fireplace.

When Miss Horn left him with a farewell kindlier than her greeting rendered yet more restless by her talk, he went back to the stable, saddled Kelpie, and took her out for an airing. As he passed the factor's house, Mrs Crathie saw him from the window. Her colour rose.

Mackenzie, the Factor's half-breed wife, who took the head of the table. After the meal we gathered in the living room before an open fire, over the mantelpiece of which there were no guns, no powder horns, nor even a pair of snowshoes; for a fur trader would no more think of hanging his snowshoes there than a city dweller would think of hanging his overshoes over his drawing-room mantel.