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But when the guests toward morning had sunk one here and another there under the table, our Herr Johann Fabula was snoring comfortably in his arm-chair, and only Timar had kept his head. Mad people are like King Mithridates and the poison wine does not affect them. So he had to get his carriage himself and start on his journey.

"Master Fabula," said Timar to his faithful steward, "this year we will not send the crop either to Raab or Komorn." "What shall we do with it, then?" "We will grind it here. I have two windmills on my property, and we can hire thirty water-mills; those will suffice." "Then we must open a huge warehouse, where we can sell such a quantity." "That will not be wanting.

Before the vessel had weighed anchor, he said to his pilot that there was a corpse on board Trikaliss was dead. "I knew for certain," said Johann Fabula, "that there was bad luck on the way when the sturgeon ran races with the ship that always betokens a death." "We must moor over there by the village," answered Timar, "and seek out the minister to bury him.

As a good business man, he took care, whenever he had undertaken anything which would bring him curses, to set something else to work for which many more would bless him. So that between blessing and cursing he might keep a good balance on the credit side. He sent for Johann Fabula and said to him, "Johann, you are getting old; many hardships have aged you.

Johann Fabula shook his head thoughtfully. "No interest, no writing, a lump of money, and bad waste land! The end of it will be, that I shall be arrested and stripped to my shirt." "No scruples, my friend; you have it for a year, and whatever you get off it meanwhile will be entirely yours." "But what shall I plow and sow with?" "You will neither plow nor sow.

"Yes, and then a third, and a thirteenth, and we must keep our mass-money ready in our mouths, for we are walking over our open coffins all the time." "Hark ye, my good friend," said the purifier, taking his plug out of his mouth, "I fancy your ship carries something besides wheat." Master Fabula looked askance at the purifier under his hood, and shrugged his shoulders. "What's that to me?

We will load the flour into small ships, which can go up to Karlstadt; thence we will transfer it in barrels to Brazil." "To Brazil!" screamed Fabula, quite frightened. "I can't go there with it." "I was not thinking of sending you there, Master Fabula; your department is the grinding and the transport to Trieste.

"With never any choice, or variation to suit the fancy of him who reads so that he who likes it written King may see it so, and yet also he who would prefer it written in a freer style, or Quhyngge, may also find it so and thus both be pleased." "That will I never have!" said Master Brenton firmly, "dost not remember, friend, the old tale in the fabula of Aesopus of him who would please all men.

We read your melodious story through, but we have read other stories since, and only its haec fabula docet remains very fresh. You will be as obtuse as we are some day, young things! It is not neglect; it is not disapproval, we simply forget. But from such forgetfulness may the good Lord graciously deliver us, one and all! There! I fancy that I have made for Mrs.

"Oh," said Fabula, with a hoarse laugh, "I should be a fool indeed! It is a waste where nothing grows but camomile. Shall I sell it to the chemists? And it's a large piece of land; one would want several thousand gulden." "Don't argue, but do as I tell you. Just you go there. Here are the two thousand gulden for the deposit, which you must hand in at the auction.