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And in the deepest secrecy, between his work on the New Testament and Jerome, Erasmus took revenge on the martial Pope, for the misery of the times, by writing the masterly satire, entitled Julius exclusus, in which the Pope appears in all his glory before the gate of the Heavenly Paradise to plead his cause and find himself excluded.

Virgil had said with reference to gardens: "Verum haec ipse equidem spatiis exclusus iniqnis Praetereo, atque aliis post me memoranda relinquo." These words are an oracle to Columella. "I should have written my tenth book in prose," he says, "had not your frequent requests that I would fill up what was wanting to the Georgics got the better of my resolution.

Third stay in England: 1509-14 No information about two years of Erasmus's life: 1509 summer, till 1511 spring Poverty Erasmus at Cambridge Relations with Badius, the Paris publisher A mistake profitable to Johannes Froben at Basle Erasmus leaves England: 1514 Julius Exclusus Epistle against war

Paul's, speaks of hearing Henry talk Latin quickly and readily; and Giustinian, the Venetian ambassador, quotes a few remarks made to him by Henry in Latin by way of greeting. Till more evidence is forthcoming, Erasmus must be let off on this count with a Not proven. Another example of scant regard for truth is his disowning of the Julius Exclusus.

This was a book to appeal at once to the Brethren. Another of his works which may have had its effect in attracting them was the Julius Exclusus.