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There's a little baccy left yet in Mowbray, and a glass of twist at your service." "Nothing exciseable for me," said Devilsdust.

"We must have discussion, because when it comes to reasoning, the oligarchs have not got a leg to stand on; and we must stop the consumption of exciseable articles, and when they have no tin to pay the bayonets and their b y police, they are dished." "You have a long head, Dusty," said Mick. "Why I have been thinking of it ever since I knew two and two made four," said his friend.

We were stopped a few minutes at the gates, to see if I had any exciseable articles. This done, I made the best of my way to the residence of Mr. Gagliuffi. On the road I casually met the Maltese servant of the Vice-Consul. His face brightened up with joyful amazement, and he shook me eagerly by the hands.

We shall never get our rights till we leave off consuming exciseable articles; and the best thing to begin with is liquors." "Well, I could do without liquors myself," said Caroline. "If I was a lady, I would never drink anything except fresh milk from the cow." "Tea for my money," said Harriet; "I must say there's nothing I grudge for good tea. Now I keep house, I mean always to drink the best."

"Not if it comes to an outbreak; but a passive resistance Jacquerie is altogether a different thing. When we see a regular Convention assembled in London and holding its daily meetings in Palace Yard; and a general inclination evinced throughout the country to refrain from the consumption of exciseable articles, I cannot help thinking that affairs are more serious than you imagine.

In brief, gentlemen," he continued in a peremptory tone, as if insisting upon attention, "you will observe, that the absolute control of all houses of entertainment, where exciseable liquors are vended, is delegated to us by his most gracious Majesty, King James. To which end ample powers have been given us by his Majesty, who has armed us with the strong arm of the law.

Consequently, as ever since that time you have been vending exciseable liquors without lawful permission, you have incurred a fine of one hundred marks a day, making a total of three thousand marks now due and owing from you, partly to his Majesty, and partly to his Majesty's representatives. This sum I now demand." "Ah! Dieu! three thousand marks!" Madame Bonaventure screamed.