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In the meantime, Kirstie had escaped into the kitchen, and before her vassal gave vent to her feelings. "Here, ettercap! Ye'll have to wait on yon Innes! I canna haud myself in. `Puir Erchie! I'd `puir Erchie' him, if I had my way! And Hermiston with the deil's ain temper! God, let him take Hermiston's scones out of his mouth first.

His wife was a clever woman, and they had two daughters, Miss Virginia and Miss Carolina; but he was himself an ettercap, a perfect spunkie of passion, as ever was known in town or country. His wife had a terrible time o't with him, and yet the unhappy man had a great share of common sense, and, saving the exploits of his unmanageable temper, was an honest and creditable gentleman.

"He has a look of auld Humphrey Ettercap, the tinkler, that perished in this very moss about five years syne," answered his superstitious companion; "but Humphrey wasna that awfu' big in the bouk." "Pass on your way," reiterated the object of their curiosity, "the breath of your human bodies poisons the air around me the sound of pour human voices goes through my ears like sharp bodkins."

In the meantime, Kirstie had escaped into the kitchen, and before her vassal gave vent to her feelings. "Here, ettercap! Ye'll have to wait on yon Innes! I canna hand myself in. 'Puir Erchie! I'd 'puir Erchie' him, if I had my way! And Hermiston with the deil's ain temper! God, let him take Hermiston's scones out of his mouth first.