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The quality of the poetry therein was not very great but it was undoubtedly a slim volume printed in queerly ornate type with old-fashioned esses and wide margins.

Susan, darlin', it's Jo Bumpus as would give all he has in the world, includin' his Sunday clo's, to be anchored alongside o' ye at that same farm! 'Sanfransko. I misdoubt the spellin' o' that word, Susan, dear; it seems to me raither short, as if ye'd docked off its tail. Howsomdever 'For John bumpuss' O Susan, Susan! if ye'd only remember the big B, and there ain't two esses.

He had found his way to the river valley, to the long lovely hollow between the hills, and went up and up beneath the leaves in the warm hush of midsummer, glancing back now and again through the green alleys, to the river winding in mystic esses beneath, passing hidden glens receiving the streams that rushed down the hillside, ice-cold from the rock, passing the immemorial tumulus, the graves where the legionaries waited for the trumpet, the grey farmhouses sending the blue wreaths of wood smoke into the still air.

He refers to the letter S as "Esses," in order to distinguish it from F. He has no respect for the most majestic military titles. To him the Deputy Assistant Director of the Mobile Veterinary Section is merely a lifeless formula, entitled Don Akk Don Emma Vic Esses. He is also a man of detached mind. The tactical situation does not interest him.

To him Maclaurin applied the lines of Virgil: 'Quamvis ille niger, quamvis tu candidus esses, O formose puer, nimium ne crede colori. Maclaurin wrote an essay against the Homeric tale of 'Troy divine, I believe, for the sole purpose of introducing a happy motto, 'Non anni domuere decem non mille carinæ.

He made her repeat to him the carmen to his Majesty; whereupon he, in the person of the king, answered her: "Dulcissima et venustissima puella, quae mihi in coloribus caeli, ut angelus Domini appares utinam semper mecum esses, nunquam mihi male caderet"; whereupon she grew red, as likewise did I, but from vexation, as may be easily guessed.

Howell's State Trials, xx. 79, and Lofft's Reports, 1772, p. 1. Every man who comes into England is entitled to the protection of English law, whatever oppression he may heretofore have suffered, and whatever may be the colour of his skin: "Quamvis ille niger, quamvis tu candidus esses." 'Let the negro be discharged.

She had worked since five o'clock that morning. She had bullied Val, she had argued, she had begged, she had wheedled. Val would not go. Arline had appealed to Manley, and Manley had assured her, with a suspicious slurring of his esses that he was out of it, and had nothing to say. Val, he said, could not be driven.

Susan darlin', it's Jo Bumpus as would give all he has in the world, includin' his Sunday clo'se, to be anchored alongside o' ye at that same farm! `Sanfransko. I misdoubt the spellin' o' that word, Susan dear; it seems to me raither short, as if ye'd docked off its tail. Howsomever `For John bumpuss' O Susan, Susan! if ye'd only remember the big B, and there ain't two esses.

A death which is so becoming is so much seen by an emotion. The whole temper that is changed is not identical. A smooth and simple trunk with lettering, a bark that has no roughness and a newspaper all this together makes printing and this is not disappointing, it is so singular that there are four esses.