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It's time somebody risked his neck to reverse the order " "Git epp," said the old man roughly to his broncho. The little pack mule took to the trail ears back at an easy lope; and the riders set off up the Pass at the rocking-chair trot of the plains-horseman.

One shy-off there! Two have a care! Three I'm coming! Four prepare!" And he would glance back with shouts of droll laughter. "Get epp! We mustn't disturb them! Get epp!" This to his own horse and off he would go, humming some ditty to the lazy hobble of his nag. "Old angel!" said I, under my breath, and I fell to wondering what earthly reason any man had for becoming a priest. He was right.

Lightfoot's recent investigations, in view of which the two sentences that follow should perhaps be cancelled; see Cont. Lightfoot in the Contemporary Review for August and October: neither do Dr. Lightfoot's arguments seem very much to affect them. The method of the one is chiefly external, that of the other almost entirely internal. Ev. p. 193. App. 219, 354, 355; Ignat. Epp. 104, 112; Clem.

If you'd take my horse, it's fresher, and the water bag, you could ride out to the railroad to-night. Those fellows are not good for many miles more unless they hit a spring. Let me go on alone, sir." "Alone?" The old man's face flushed furious, livid. . . . "Git epp!"

Innocent III, Epp. xvi. 133. Walter of Coventry, ii. 210. Rymer, Foedera, i. 120. The king of France may have been acting, as he would have the world believe, as the instrument of heaven to punish the enemy of the Church, but he did not learn with any great rejoicing of the conversion of John from the error of his ways.

Various party leaders were appointed as Reichsminister; the governors of the provinces were national leaders or Gauleiter of the party, such as General von Epp; the Prussian government officials are as a rule Gauleiter of the party; the Prussian police chiefs are mostly high-ranking SA leaders.

Campbell died at Boulogne in 1844, aged sixty-seven; he was buried in Westminster, next Southey. Hor. Epp. ii. 2, 76. The elder Mr. Adolphus distinguished himself early in life by his History of the Reign of George III. J.G.L. May 1. Breakfasted with Lord and Lady Leveson Gower, and enjoyed the splendid treat of hearing Mrs.