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"Did a bloomin' sparrow give you 'is brains when you was changed at birth? Stick William Connor I believe you not! This is what 'appened, me bloomin' sanitary. When I got back be'ind the 'eavenly parapet, there was William Connor in a nice little slaughter-house of 'is own. 'E was doin' of 'isself proud too busy to talk.

'Primerrily, in search of any or either or both armies; seconderrily, of course, in search of our brigadier-uncle. Not finding him on the road, we ran about the grass looking for him. This took us to a great many places in a short time. Ow 'eavenly that lilac did smell on top of that first Down stinkin' its blossomin' little heart out! 'I 'adn't leesure to notice, said Mr. Leggatt.

"Ar!" said Peter, gazing obediently upward. "Peter, ain't it 'eavenly; don't it stir your very soul?" "Ar!" said Peter. "Peter, are you sure you loves me more than that Susan thing at the doctor's?" A corduroy coat-sleeve crept slowly about Betty's plump waist, and there came the unmistakable sound of a kiss. "Really and truly, Peter?" "Ar!" said Peter, "so 'elp me Sam!"

"Don't be in a 'urry, Tom," cried a corporal, removing his pith helmet in order to run his fingers through his hair; "it's a 'eavenly state o' things now to what it was a few years ago, w'en we an' our poor wives 'ad to sit 'ere for hours in the heat or cold, wet or dry, without shelter, or a morsel to eat, or a drop to drink, till we got away up town to the grog-shops."

Well, I 'ave my faults, I daresay, but not that; all as knows me knows my temper is 'eavenly. But the fact is, mum, Mrs. A really good-tempered servant is now rare; and there are very few who will bear 'speaking to' when their work is neglected or ill-done. What, however, always puts them in the highest good humour is an expensive breakage.

One old shell-back, coming up river on a Gravesend shrimper, listened in blank astonishment for a minute, and then confided huskily to his mate that he thought their time had come. "'Eavenly, strains! It's wot they calls 'the music o' the spears," he said mysteriously, "Hangels' music wot comes just before a bloke's time's up. We better prepare for the wust."

All at once 'e spies a flag the Osnum Digners 'ad planted on the 'eavenly parapet. 'E opens 'is mouth and gives one yell, and makes for that bit of cotton. 'E got there, for 'e would not be denied. 'E got there an' 'e couldn't get back. But 'e made a rush for it " "A divil he was on rushes," broke in Private Coolin, wiping his mouth nervously.

Mivins was evidently a little puffed up with a feeling of satisfaction at the clever way in which he had got out of the difficulty without displaying his ignorance of astronomy, and was even venturing, in the pride of his heart, to make some speculative and startling assertions in regard to the "'eavenly bodies" generally, when Buzzby put his head up the hatchway.

For twenty-five days I had full opportunity to learn what the girl in Dickens' "Little Dorritt" meant when she called the hospital an "'eavenly" place. It was the first time I had ever been admitted, and the change from the horrible mud hole to the rest and comfort of a cell in the hospital was indeed almost "'eavenly."

"Did a bloomin' sparrow give you 'is brains when you was changed at birth? Stick William Connor I believe you not! This is what 'appened, me bloomin' sanitary. When I got back be'ind the 'eavenly parapet, there was William Connor in a nice little slaughter-house of 'is own. 'E was doin' of 'isself proud too busy to talk.