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While this is not the province of the military to solve, the military must understand how disjointed policy, weak political leadership, or dysfunctional international cooperation will preclude success on the battlefield.

We can render a system dysfunctional by inhibiting or reversing any stage in the complex processes involved or by preventing the entity's communication with its environs. Another method of annihilation involves the alteration of the entity's context its surroundings, its codes and signals, its interactive patterns, its potential partners, friends and foes.

"Saccharine for the alligator gotta feed 'gator," she thought and then pitched the envelopes and their unopened content into the trash. It was such an American gesture, which was an alloy of a disposable culture and the independence by which one might extricate herself from the visceral, vitriolic virulence of a dysfunctional family.

One is the dissolving and elimination of the excess, toxic or dysfunctional deposits in the body, and second process, the gradual exhaustion of the body's stored nutritional reserves. The fasting body first consumes those parts of the body that are unhealthy; eventually these are all gone. Simultaneously the body uses up stored fat and other reserve nutritional elements.

Geopolitical instability, resurgent trade protectionism, dysfunctional global capital markets and banks can all reverse the course of a successful transition to market economies. Still, the more pernicious threats are from the inside: venal, delegitimized politicians, brain drain, crumbling infrastructure, cheap foreign competition, or inter-ethnic tensions.

Dysfunctional families might be more prevalent in Thailand than most people believed but their members could ignore this fact unless they belonged to extreme cases, and under the "good deeds beget good deeds" philosophy of the Buddhists a wretch like him must have done something monstrous indeed to know nothing but the breaking of family.

Switching from one kind of investment to another incurs often prohibitive transaction costs. In many countries, financial intermediaries are dysfunctional or corrupt or both. They are unable to efficiently convert savings to investments or are wary of doing so. Furthermore, very few capital and financial markets are closed, self-contained, or self-sufficient units.

Moreover, Basle 2 demands extra equity capital against operational risks such as rogue trading or bomb attacks. There is no trace of the discipline which financial markets can impose on lax or dysfunctional banks through their publicly traded unsecured, subordinated debt. Basle 2 is so complex, archaic, and inadequate that it is bound to frustrate its main aspiration: to avert banking crises.

I think I should describe this unsuccessful case, this "dirty case," so my readers get a more balanced idea of how fearsome cancer really isn't if the sick person can clearly resolve to get better and has no problem about achieving wellness. Marie was an artisan and musician from Seattle who grew up back East in an upper-middle class dysfunctional family. She was in her late twenties.

It seemed to him odd that unlike Bangkok, this Communist bastion seemed to be conspicuously absent of overt beggars. He had expected the same maimed, exploited mendicants whom gangsters, eager for profit that could be coerced by sympathy, mutilated by cutting off limbs and tortured by subjecting these dysfunctional amputees of body and mind to the hopelessness of begging on the streets.