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I dun-no how I s'picioned it, but ez I stood thar an' gazed I knowed somebody war a-standin' an' gazin' too on the foot-bredge a mite ahead o' me. I couldn't see him, an' he couldn't turn back an' pass me, the bredge bein' too narrer. He war jes obligated ter go on. I hearn him breathe quick; then pit-pat, pit-pat, ez he walked straight toward that light.

"My hat!" cried he, "you're right. It was this confounded yellow of the side of the house." He put in a few hasty strokes. "That better?" "Ay," said Paul. The artist laid down his brush, and swung round on his box, clasping knees. "How the devil did you manage to see that when I didn't?" "Dun-no!" said Paul. The young man stretched himself and lit a cigarette.

"Well, I'll be ," said Joe, and he held out his hand, too, "if it isn't " And it was, and they both laughed and shook hands and clapped each other on the back and shook hands again. "What's your hurry?" said the man on the corner again. "I dun-no," said the man who was so cross because he'd lost his car. "Nothing much, I guess," and he laughed and the other man laughed and they shook hands again.

"They be powerful keerful ter do it out'n rifle range." With one more mighty tug the sock came off, the red face was lifted, and Mrs. Pearce shook her head ruefully. "The Bible say 'words air foolishness. Ye dun-no what ye air talkin' 'bout, child." With this melancholy preamble she detailed the gossip that had arisen at the county town and pervaded the country-side.