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He always seems to me like some dry-hearted, cold-hearted beast rather than a man. Is there nothing human in him?" "He is more human than you think. Ursula, I know it, so you need not shake that dear, wise head of yours." "You say so because you are so human yourself. Dear, I love you for your charity." "Love me for what you will so long as you do love me," answered he. "And do not be afraid.

It was not prized preciously, there was too much of it and too urgently lavished, but the lavishers were loved for it by two women neither dry-hearted nor world-hardened. Leslie fell into the way, when she was in town and had time, of running in to Aurora's, where it would be cheerful and she looked for a laugh.

Zephyrine was somewhat more distinguished in appearance and deportment than Pelagie and Suzette, but in character genuine Parisian coquette, perfidious, mercenary, and dry-hearted.

Love-dealings and Deceit, says an ancient poet, were born into the world together, daughters of Night; and several dry-hearted old critics, who never were in love and perhaps never deceived anybody in their lives, have had so much trouble in understanding why these divinities should have made their appearance in the world at the same time, that they have suspected the passage and written pages of learned trash about what Hesiod probably wrote instead of 'Love-dealings, or the pretty word for which I can think of no better translation.

Impossible to answer his blunt question in the affirmative, so I disclaimed all tendency to gratitude, and advised him if he expected any reward for his championship, to look for it in a better world, as he was not likely to meet with it here. In reply he termed me "a dry-hearted aristocratic scamp," whereupon I again charged him with having taken the bread out of my mouth.