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Dreux's slender form writhed and shuddered as he swallowed the liquor, but his eyes were shining when he rose to go. "I'm glad I'm making good," said he. "If anything happens to me, keep your eye skinned for that fellow; there's dirty work afoot." When he had gone Donnelly stuck his napkin into his mouth to still his laughter. "'There's dirty work afoot," he quoted in a strangling voice.

He's a remarkably able officer one of those men I like to study." "Well, then, I'll be going," said Bernie, rising. "No, stay and meet him." Blake rose to greet a tall, angular man of about Dreux's age, who came in without knocking. Chief Donnelly had an impassive face, into which was set a pair of those peculiar smoky-blue eyes which have become familiar upon our frontiers.

Bernie Dreux's amazing assumption of dictatorship had relieved him of the duty of heading the mob, a thing for which he was profoundly grateful. When the main body of vigilantes had armed itself, he fell in beside his friend with some notion of helping and protecting him. But the little man proved amply equal to the occasion.

Dreux's dreadful faux pas she was so hurt, she grieved so that I couldn't but believe she felt deeply." Norvin flushed dully and said nothing. Vittoria smiled down upon him with a look that was half maternal in its sweetness. "All this has been painful for you," she said, "and you have become over-excited. You must not talk any more now. You are to be moved soon."

Poggi?" he inquired, at last. The question brought that same flush to Mr. Dreux's cheeks. "She found I was following her one day," he explained, "so I told her I was smitten by her beauty. I got away with it, too. Rather clever, for an amateur, eh?" "Is she good-looking?" Bernie nodded. "She's an outrageous flirt, though, and oh, what a temper!" He shuddered nervously.

The clamor which had greeted the words of the previous speakers was as nothing to the titanic bellow which burst forth acclaiming Dreux's. "This is the hour for action, not for talk," he continued, when he had stilled them.

Dreux's inherited right to social recognition he was marked by another and peculiar distinction in that he was the half-brother and guardian of Myra Nell Warren. This fact alone would have assured him a wide acquaintance and a degree of popularity without regard to his personal characteristics.

Dreux's cheeks, while Blake marveled at the strange mixture of qualities in this withered little beau. Bernie's words left him very uncomfortable, however, and the hours that followed did not lessen the feeling.

Instantly Mr. Dreux's embarrassment left him and he assumed a chilling haughtiness. "Forgive you? After such a scene? My dear girl, that's asking a good deal." Felicite's lips trembled, her eyes, as they turned to Norvin, held such an appeal that he hastened to reassure her. "Of course he forgives you. He's delighted that you care enough to be jealous."

Rilleau inquired, blankly. Bernie nodded. "Well, so am I, so are Delevan and Mangny, and the others." "Not this way." Mr. Dreux's alcoholic flush deepened. "He thought she was in danger, so he flew to her side. Mighty unselfish to sacrifice his business and brave the disease. He did it with my consent, y'understand? When he asked me, I said, 'Norvin, my boy, she needs you. So he went.